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            Congratulations on Ethiopia National Day

           GOLD MARKET                       AUCTION RESULTS ANNOUNCED

         The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) has announced the outcome   conditions specified by the SBV to take
         of a gold bullion auction on April 23, with two winning bidders   part in the auction. According to the
         securing 34 lots, equivalent to 3,400 taels of SJC-branded gold   central bank, seven banks and four enter-
         bars. The two winners were the Saigon Jewelry Company   prises participated in the auction; the
         Limited (SJC) and the Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank   first of its kind in eleven years. The last time the central bank
         (ACB). The highest winning price was VND81.33 million   sold gold bars was in 2013, when over 1.8 million taels were
         ($3,195) per tael, while the lowest was VND81.32 million   sold in a total of 76 auctions. This latest auction is seen as a
         ($3,194). On April 22, the SBV issued a notice regarding the   decisive measure to boost gold supply in the market. Gold
         auction of 16,800 taels of gold bullion to credit institutions and   prices fell by about VND1 million ($39.4) per tael in the
         enterprises. These entities were required to meet the necessary   domestic market immediately after the auction.

                                                       PROFIT GROWTH ANTICIPATED             BANKING & FINANCE
                          According to the latest survey by the   quarter and the year as a whole. According to credit institutions,
                          State Bank of Vietnam (SBV), 86.2 per   interest rate, credit, and foreign exchange rate policies are
                          cent of credit institutions expect their   the factors that will positively affect their business performance
                          profits to grow this year compared to   this year. They also predict that customer demand for banking
         2023. In the survey, released recently, credit institutions said   services will improve due to the expectation that the economy
         that overall business performance and pre-tax profits in the   and the manufacturing industry will see positive development,
         banking system in the first quarter of 2024 were not as good   exports will gradually recover, and loan demand will be higher
         as expected but they anticipate improvements in the second   than deposit demand.


        The international terminal at Da Nang International Airport in the   2024 and completing it in October. AI-pow-
        central city of Da Nang will become a smart terminal under a part-  ered cameras will be installed in areas where
        nership between the Da Nang International Terminal Investment   procedures are conducted to assess density
        and Operation JSC (AHT) and FPT Software. Announced on April   and help operators quickly detect hotspots
        22, the partnership aims to promote digital transformation in the   to take effective action. More mobile apps will be launched to
        short term and comprehensive modernization in the long term. It   provide smart support solutions, such as notifying departure status
        looks to develop Vietnam’s first smart airport terminal to minimize   and noting current locations on a map. A new website will be built
        the time needed for handling procedures and improve the passenger   to ensure the best possible convenience for users when searching for
        experience. At the ceremony announcing the partnership, AHT and   multilingual information. More touch-screen systems will also be
        FPT Software, an affiliate of local tech giant the FPT Group, signed   placed around the terminal for passengers to search for information
        documents on implementing the project in the second quarter of   and offer assessments, helping the terminal make improvements.

                          During a meeting on April 26, the 13th   that Hue violated regulations on acts Party members must not
                          Party Central Committee agreed to allow   commit along with regulations concerning the responsibility of
                          Vuong Dinh Hue to cease holding the   officials and Party members, particularly members of the
                          positions of Politburo member, Member   Politburo, the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat, and the
        of the 13th Party Central Committee, and Chairman of the 15th   Party Central Committee, to set a good example, and bears
        National Assembly (NA) (2021-2026 tenure). Considering Hue’s   such responsibility as a leader under Party regulations and
        wish to cease holding these positions, the Committee determined   State laws. His violations and shortcomings have sparked
        that he is a key leader of the Party and State, received fundamental   negative public opinion and affected the prestige of the Party
        training, grew up from the grassroots level, and was assigned to   and the State, as well as his own reputation, an official announce-
        hold many important leadership positions in the Party and the   ment said, adding that, fully aware of his responsibilities towards
        State. However, recent reports from the Party Central Committee’s   the Party, the State, and the people, Hue submitted a request to
        Inspection Commission and other relevant authorities revealed   cease holding his assigned positions and to stop working.

        The Investigation Police Agency at the Ministry of Public Security   regulations on bidding causing serious con-
        began legal proceedings on April 21 against Pham Thai Ha,   sequences”, “giving bribes”, and “receiving
        Deputy Head of the National Assembly (NA) Office and Assistant   bribes” at the Group and related units and
        to the NA Chairman, and also issued arrest and search warrants,   organizations. Accordingly, Group Chair-
        on charges of abusing his position and power for personal gain.   man Nguyen Duy Hung; General Director and Deputy General
        Ministry spokesperson Lieutenant General To An Xo said on   Director Tran Anh Quang and Nguyen Khac Man; Director and
        April 22 that the decision was made following an expanded inves-  Deputy Director of the Investment Project Management Board
        tigation into a case involving violations of bidding regulations   for the Construction of Transport and Agricultural Works in the
        and bribery at the Thuan An Group and related units and organ-  northern province of Bac Giang Nguyen Van Thao and Dam Van
        izations. Further investigations are now underway. Earlier, the   Cuong; and Hoang The Du, Head of the province’s Project Man-
        agency launched legal proceedings against a case of “violating   agement Board, were arrested.                                                         May 1, 2024    Vietnam Economic Times    7
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