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Congratulations on Europe Day
         COVER STORY

                                                                                     ssessing the global economic out-
                                                                                     look during the “Economic Outlook
                                                                               A for the First Quarter: Opening the
                                                                               Way for the Economy in 2024” roundtable
                                                                               discussion co-hosted recently by Vietnam
                                                                               Economic Times / VnEconomy and the
                                                                               University of Economics and Business
                                                                               (UEB) at the Vietnam National University
         Dr. Can Van Luc, BIDV Chief Economist and Member of the
                                                                               - Hanoi, Dr. Can Van Luc, Chief Economist
         National Financial and Monetary Policy Advisory Council,              at the Bank for Investment and Develop-
         underscored the various prospects for Vietnam’s economic growth       ment of Vietnam (BIDV) and a Member
         in 2024 at a recent discussion co-hosted by VET / VnEconomy.          of the National Financial and Monetary
                                                                               Policy Advisory Council, suggested that
         By ANH TUYET                                                          the global economy is likely to plateau or
                                                                               experience a slight decline in 2024, with
                                                                               growth momentum continuing to decel-
                                                                               erate to an estimated 2.4 per cent, based
                                                                               on projections from the World Bank (WB)
                                                                               and the United Nations (UN). This slow-
                                                                               down is mainly attributable to lower

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