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              DOOSAN ANTICIPATES           Vsun began construction of the wafer fac-
             DEVELOPING LNG PROJECT        tory in the northern province of Hung
                                           Yen last November, covering 132,000 sq
                                           m. The production base was ready for full
                                           production at the end of April, marking a
                                           significant advancement in Vsun’s strategic
                                           layout towards the development of its
                                           entire industry chain. Vsun Solar has
                                           signed a strategic polysilicon supply deal
                                           with leading South Korean-owned poly-
                                           silicon producer the OCI Co., Ltd., which
                                           will provide a stable supply of low-carbon
                                           silicon materials meeting international   importation. Mitsubishi Shokunin said it
                                           standards. Leveraging the advantages of a   is intensifying its overseas focus amid a
        South Korea’s Doosan Group is interested   vertically-integrated supply chain, Vsun   shrinking domestic market. This latest
        in working with Electricity of Vietnam   Solar aims to help customers with cost   investment will also serve its goal of pro-
        (EVN) to develop the Quang Trach 2 liq-  reductions and efficiency enhancements.   moting innovation through startup busi-
        uefied natural gas (LNG) project and other                            nesses. It began its cooperation with Home-
        renewable energy projects, Mr. Kim Bong   INDIAN CHEMICALS GIANT EYES DEEP-  farm last year, and has already invested
        Jun, Deputy General Director of Doosan,   WATER PORT & AIRPORT PROJECTS   JPY100 million ($645,000) in the Viet-
        told a meeting between a visiting South                               namese food importer. The company said
        Korean delegation and EVN in April. The                               it was looking to utilize Homefarm’s
        project is part of the Quang Trach Power                              strengths, including its network of 161
        Center in the central province of Quang                               stores as of end-2023 versus ten stores
        Binh, which includes the Quang Trach 1                                when it was established in 2017.
        coal-fired power plant, also being developed
        by EVN. The government approved the                                    IGLOO PARTNERS WITH FINANCIAL
        Quang Trach 2 project in 2021, initially as                                 & INSURANCE PLAYERS
        a coal-fired plant, with EVN assigned as
        the developer. The initial estimated cost
        was VND48.2 trillion ($1.9 billion), with
        20 per cent coming from EVN and 80 per
        cent from loans. Quang Trach 2 was   Kanoria Chemicals & Industries Ltd., a
        approved for transformation into an LNG-  manufacturer of chemical intermediates
        to-power project under the Power Devel-  and specialties from India, has expressed
        opment Plan VIII (PDP8), with capacity   interest in the Bai Goc Deep-water Port
        rising to 1,500 MW. Doosan wants to   project at the Nam Phu Yen Economic
        expand its eco-friendly energy portfolio   Zone in the south-central province of Phu
        in Vietnam, as one of its future strategies   Yen, a meeting between Mr. Ta Anh Tuan,
        is to enter the country’s clean energy   Chairman of the Phu Yen Provincial People’s
        market, which it views as having potential.   Committee, and a representative from   Regional insurtech (insurance technology)
        “Doosan can participate in the bidding for   Kanoria heard. The 220-ha Bai Goc Deep-  company Igloo has announced strategic
        some of the project’s main packages as   water Port project has been designed to   partnerships with leading financial solutions
        soon as EVN completes regulatory approval   accommodate vessels with a tonnage of   providers ZaloPay, Lotte Finance, and FE
        procedures,” EVN General Director Nguyen   up to 50,000 DWT, and is expected to   Credit and the digital insurer OPES, aimed
        Anh Tuan said.                     include a berth for ships of up to 250,000   at expanding insurance coverage to under-
                                           DWT. In addition to the port project,   insured communities in Vietnam. These
           JAPAN’S VSUN SOLAR BEGINS       Kanoria is also keen on oil refinery projects   partnerships not only offer popular insur-
           SILICON WAFER PRODUCTION        in Phu Yen and the upgrade of the local   ance policies but also introduce a new
                                           Tuy Hoa Airport. Mr. Tuan affirmed the   range of products tailored to safeguard
                                           province’s primary focus is the Bai Goc   the distinctive needs of modern, tech-savvy
                                           Deep-water Port and the Tuy Hoa Airport   Vietnamese individuals. “Our mission is
                                           upgrade as economic drivers.       to revolutionize the insurance industry
                                                                              through technology, ensuring accessible
                                                 MITSUBISHI INVESTS IN        and dependable insurance solutions,” said
                                              VIETNAMESE FOOD IMPORTER        Mr. Tri Nguyen, Country Manager Vietnam
                                           Mitsubishi Shokunin, the food arm of   at Igloo. “By working closely with financial
                                           Japanese giant Mitsubishi, has announced   and insurance partners in Vietnam, we
                                           an investment of VND45 billion ($1.8 mil-  will extend our reach to a wider audience
                                           lion) in Homefarm, a Vietnamese startup   and deliver innovative products tailored
                                           in food importation. The investment is   to evolving consumer needs. This collabo-
        The Japanese-invested solar solutions   aimed at boosting demand and selling   ration underscores our dedication to mak-
        provider Vsun Solar has completed an   Japanese food in overseas markets. Vietnam   ing insurance affordable and accessible to
        integrated industry chain with the pro-  is a promising market, thanks to its pro-  diverse Vietnamese communities, thereby
        duction of its first silicon wafer in Vietnam,   Japanese culture, potential for market   enhancing insurance awareness and pen-
        which is used to produce solar panels.   growth, and suitable regulations on food   etration in the country.”
                                                        May 15, 2024    Vietnam Economic Times    49
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