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         New lease of life                                                          he recent amendments to the Land
                                                                                    Law, Law on Housing, and Law on
                                                                               T Real Estate Business will have a pos-
                                                                               itive impact on Vietnam’s real estate market.
         Stakeholders share their thoughts with VET’s Phan Duong               In particular, the Land Law 2024 aims to
                                                                               facilitate land access for economic entities
         on how Vietnam’s real estate sector stands on the brink of
                                                                               and investors, invigorating the agricultural
         a new era from recent legislative changes.                            real estate segment. Notably, it introduces
                                                                               fresh provisions concerning land leasing
                                                                               via auctions, enhancing land use rights. In
                                                                               regard to leasing payments, the law specifies
                                                                               annual payments, restricting lump-sum
                                                                               payments for the entire term.
                                                                                  The Law on Real Estate Business,
                                                                               meanwhile, aims to streamline regulations,
                                                                               foster market growth, and ensure sustain-
                                                                               ability. It limits home purchase deposits
                                                                               to 5 per cent of the price and reduces
                                                                               upfront payments for future rentals by up
                                                                               to 50 per cent. Small-scale real estate busi-
                                                                               nesses are exempt from certain corporate
                                                                               requirements, while brokerage firms only
                                                                               need one certified broker. The law man-
                                                                               dates brokers to operate on property trading
                                                                               floors, ensuring transparency in transac-
                                                                               tions. Developers must disclose project
                                                                               details pre-commercialization, and con-
                                                                               tracts must accurately reflect prices. Stricter
                                                                               regulations apply to land subdivision for
                                                                               sale, particularly for Type 3 urban areas.
                                                                                  And the Law on Housing enhances
                                                                               housing accessibility, particularly for citizens,
                                            many projects facing delays in sales   and streamlines property purchases for
                                            launches and from unresolved legal issues.   overseas Vietnamese and foreigners. It
                                               The enactment of upcoming laws in   emphasizes the development of social hous-
                                            the months to come will position the real   ing segments and broadens eligibility criteria
                                            estate sector to swiftly transition back to   for purchasing or renting such properties.
                                            a “renewed” normalcy, characterized by   Furthermore, it imposes stricter regulations
                                            progressively transparent and precise infor-  on housing management and development,
                                            mation accessible to all stakeholders.   including fire safety requirements for mini
                  Mr. Nguyen Van Dinh                                          apartments, eligibility for “red books”, usage
                  Chairman, Vietnam Real    Supply will continue rising to the end of   terms for apartment buildings, and com-
                 Estate Brokers Association  the year, while demand for residential
                                            properties will remain high, supported by   pulsory eviction for deteriorating buildings.
              ietnam’s real estate market success-  economic growth and urbanization. Invest-  Despite the legislative reforms, policy
              fully navigated through its toughest   ment demand will also grow, focusing on   delays are inevitable. There are also numerous
         V phase in the opening months of   satellite urban areas in Hanoi, Ho Chi   challenges in implementation. Amendments
         2024 and is now exhibiting positive trends   Minh City, and key cities like Da Nang.   to the Land Law were particularly difficult
         in both supply and demand across various   The volume of entities prepared to re-  for the 15th National Assembly, with land
         sectors, at both the micro and macro levels,   engage in the sector will surge, ushering   valuations and compensation posing signif-
         presenting promising opportunities in the   in a plethora of new projects in the market.   icant challenges. Clarity is needed on market
         year ahead.                        Moreover, there will be an increase in real   principles for land valuations. There is cur-
            However, market recovery still exhibits   estate trading platforms and agents return-  rently a widespread desire to avoid land val-
         some divergence between different seg-  ing to active operations, alongside a rise   uations due to legal risks. Enhancing legal
         ments. The apartment sector remains at   in customers and investors seeking oppor-  dissemination and enforcement capacity is
         the forefront in terms of transaction vol-  tunities in residential real estate.   crucial for the effective implementation of
         umes, representing nearly 60 per cent of   In retail real estate, there will be an   new regulations at the local level. %
         the total in the first quarter of 2024. There   influx of quality new rental spaces, while
         is also considerable ongoing demand for   the industrial real estate segment is
         investment in all segments, including lux-  expected to maintain its positive growth
         ury, high-end, affordable, and social hous-  trajectory. Though the recovery of the
         ing. Industrial real estate continues to   tourism and resort real estate segment
         maintain its growth momentum, while   may face short-term challenges, there are
         commercial real estate is showing signs of   optimistic signs, particularly for products
         improvement with rising leasing demand.   like condotels and high-rise apartments
         Nevertheless, challenges persist in the   linked to tourism resorts in traditional   Mr. Nguyen Quang Tuyen
         tourism and resort real estate sector, with   and key tourist destinations. %   Vice Chairman, Hanoi University Law Council

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