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                                      Fostering faith
                   After posting a sizeable year-on-year decline in the first quarter of 2024 from shocks
                     that first occurred in late 2022, stakeholders in Vietnam’s corporate bond market
                       believe certain measures are needed to restore confidence among investors.

                                       By HOANG LAN, ANH TUYET & HUYNH DUNG

              ccording to the Vietnam Bond Mar-  for at least one or two years following
              ket Association (VBMA), the total   shocks that took hold in late 2022 and
         A value of bond issuances in the first   early 2023.
         quarter of 2024 was estimated at     At a recent conference on Vietnam’s
         VND15.71 trillion ($628 million), down   debt capital market, a number of busi-
         46 per cent year-on-year. This result, how-  nesses and analysts identified solutions
         ever, actually exceeded expectations, as   to develop the market in a healthy and
         the market had been forecast to be frozen   sustainable manner.

                                            three credit rating agencies. These com-
                                            panies must meet certain regulations of
                                            State management agencies in terms of
                                            professional capacity, capital, and human
                                            resources to ensure their own operational
                                            efficiency and quality. Most have worked
                                            with international credit rating agencies
                                            to obtain professional support and ensure
                  Mr. Do Ngoc Quynh                                                     Mr. Paul Coughlin
                General Secretary of the VBMA  their credit rating activities meet inter-  former Global Director of S&P Global Ratings
                                            national standards.
                   Credit ratings -            In addition to monitoring by State    Risk transparency helps
              A reference for bond pricing                                             boost confidence
                                            agencies and auditing companies, credit
                                            rating agencies are considered an impor-
              he efficient operation of enterprises   tant piece of infrastructure in the market,   hat happened in Vietnam’s cor-
              is considered the most important   helping boost transparency. Credit ratings   porate bond market at the end
         T factor in attracting investors to a   are an effective tool to create a yield curve  W of 2022 was not unique. Similar
         capital market. Transparency is also key   in the corporate bond market, which is   incidents occurred in Thailand, Indonesia,
         for market participants, as it creates a   an important reference for all parties in   and South Korea in the 1990s. The current
         solid degree of trust.             the market, not only investors but also   context in Vietnam is different, but we
            There are some businesses that publish   issuers, State management agencies, and   can still learn from the experience of others
         false stories about their profits and oper-  research organizations.   in the region. We should not be overly
         ational efficiency in order to catch the   The VBMA has coordinated with its   pessimistic about the market’s prospects.
         eye of investors. When the truth comes   members to create a system of “market   Vietnam needs to continue consoli-
         out, however, investors feel confused and   makers” for bonds issued by credit insti-  dating infrastructure in the corporate bond
         are unsure who exactly they can trust.   tutions. Market makers operate based on   market, including completing market insti-
         This also affects businesses performing   a system of agreed common principles.   tutions and architecture such as investors,
         well and posting real profits, adding to   This has initially helped create a relatively   credit ratings, and yield curves.
         their difficulties in mobilizing capital.   transparent yield curve for bonds issued   Many enterprises are still sensitive
            I therefore believe there are two important   by credit institutions.    about analyses revealing risks in their busi-
         tasks to unlock Vietnam’s capital market.   Corporate bonds in the market have   ness activities. However, investors need to
            Firstly, improving the competitiveness   yet to form a yield curve because they are   clearly understand such risks to feel secure
         of the economy and the operational effi-  issued with different structures and risk   when investing in corporate bonds.
         ciency of enterprises.             levels. Also, most issuers don’t have a   The lack of information transparency
            Secondly, creating a culture of trans-  credit rating, so it is difficult to make an   has become a challenge for both investors
         parency, helping consolidate confidence   accurate assessment.        and management agencies. It is therefore
         not only among investors but also among   Investors tend not to choose bonds   necessary to bridge the information imbal-
         other market participants.         without a yield curve.             ance between participants in the capital
            From my own observations, a culture   There are many different ways to eval-  market and provide in-depth analyses on
         of transparency has been gradually taking   uate bonds. However, the use of credit   the credit quality of issuers and available
         shape in the market. Together with the   ratings provides a reference for evaluation   debt tools in the market.
         operation of a separate corporate bond   and has proven popular in countries with   Vietnam should allow insurance com-
         trading floor via the Hanoi Stock Exchange   a developed financial market. The method   panies to more easily participate in its cor-
         (HNX), the Ministry of Finance has   has also been certified in the international   porate bond market and also attract invest-
         recently granted operational licenses to   market. %                  ment funds to expand the investor base.%

         42    Vietnam Economic Times    May 15, 2024                                      
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