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             PANDORA BREAKS GROUND          is a term for leasing space from data   opment orientations, and priority areas
              AT BINH DUONG FACTORY         center operators to park client data locally.   for investment attraction, and is in accor-
                                            However, he did not disclose the specific   dance with the national strategy on green
                                            timeline for the center’s construction.   growth and Vietnam’s commitment to net-
                                                                               zero emissions by 2050. It will also be the
                                                  VINFAST SET TO ENTER         first power project to be granted an invest-
                                                     THE PHILIPPINES           ment license following the recent approval
                                                                               of the Power Development Plan VIII
                                                                               (PDP8). The project has also received sup-
                                                                               port from the Japanese Ministry of the
                                                                               Environment as part of the Financing Pro-
                                                                               gram for the Joint Crediting Mechanism
                                                                               (JCM) Model Projects. Once completed
                                                                               in early 2027, the plant will generate 50
         Danish jewelry maker Pandora broke ground                             MW of power, of which about 45 MW will
         on a $150 million factory in the southern                             be supplied to Electricity of Vietnam
         province of Binh Duong on May 16, accord-                             (EVN)’s power transmission network. The
         ing to the Embassy of Denmark in Vietnam.                             plant will use about 500,000 tonnes of
         Its new crafting facility will be its third in                        scrap and wood by-products as fuel each
         the world and the first outside of Thailand.   VinFast Auto has announced its entry into   year. It will be Erex’s second biomass
         Located at the Vietnam-Singapore Industrial   the Philippines’ electric vehicle (EV) market   power plant in Vietnam, with its first, gen-
         Park 3 (VSIP 3), the facility will have an   in late May, affirming its commitment to   erating 20 MW in the Mekong Delta’s Hau
         annual capacity of 60 million pieces of   being a leader across Southeast Asia and   Giang province, scheduled to be put into
         jewelry and employ more than 6,000 people.   its mission to promote the electrification   operation later this year.
         It will be built under LEED Gold standards,   of transportation globally. Entry into the
         powered by 100 per cent renewable energy   Philippines marks a new milestone for   NIC & SAMSUNG PARTNER TO
         and contributing to Vietnam’s green trans-  VinFast in its Southeast Asian expansion   DEVELOP LOCAL TECH TALENT
         formation goals. “We scouted countries all   strategy, particularly as the country
         over the world before deciding on Vietnam   embraces more government policies that
         and Binh Duong province,” said Mr.   promote the growth of EVs. The launch
         Jeerasage Puranasamriddhi, Chief Supply   also reaffirms VinFast’s commitment to
         Officer at Pandora. “Expanding our pro-  supporting the country in promoting
         duction capacity is critical to meeting antic-  greener and more sustainable transportation
         ipated demand, and we are ready and   infrastructure. “The brand launch in the
         excited about our new chapter in Vietnam.”   Philippines marks another significant mile-
                                            stone for VinFast on its journey to grow its
         ALIBABA TO BUILD $1-BILLION DATA   presence in the global EV market,” said
                CENTER IN VIETNAM           Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh Ngoc, CEO of Vin-
                                            Fast Philippines. “We will support the
                                            Philippines in its electric mobility revolution   The National Innovation Center (NIC) and
                                            and believe that by offering modern, pow-  Samsung Vietnam have kicked off the Sam-
                                            erful, and smart vehicles alongside excep-  sung Innovation Campus (SIC) for the
                                            tional customer service, VinFast will steadily   2023-2024 academic year at the NIC campus
                                            achieve its expansion goals in the market.”   in Hanoi’s Hoa Lac Hi-Tech Park. This is
                                                                               the first collaborative endeavor between
                                            JAPANESE ENERGY PLAYER INVESTS     the NIC and Samsung Vietnam to achieve
                                                IN BIOMASS POWER PLANT         the country’s goal of training 50,000 semi-
                                                                               conductor engineers by 2030. It comes
                                                                               under an MoU signed in October 2023
                                                                               between the two parties on implementing
         Chinese tech giant the Alibaba Group                                  educational projects and high-tech devel-
         plans to build a data center in Vietnam to                            opment for the younger generation in Viet-
         satisfy legal requirements on local data                              nam. The agreement aims to cultivate tech-
         storage and meet rising demand in one of                              nological talent and make Vietnam a des-
         Asia’s fastest-growing economies. The                                 tination for innovation in the region and
         plan comes after a government decree                                  the world. Mr. Choi Joo Ho, General Direc-
         was promulgated in 2022 in which Vietnam                              tor of Samsung Vietnam, said the SIC pro-
         directs foreign-invested enterprises to                               gram will serve as an exemplary model in
         have data centers within the country’s                                the training of young Vietnamese. “The
         boundaries to store user data. Alibaba is   The northern province of Yen Bai has   current environment presents significant
         leasing space for computer servers from   agreed to Erex, a Japanese renewable   opportunities for young Vietnamese talent,”
         two Vietnamese telecom groups - Viettel   energy company, pouring between $100   he added. “In order for them to develop
         and VNPT. Mr. Dang Minh Tam, Solution   and $120 million into building a biomass   into tech talent and fully realize their poten-
         Architect Lead at Alibaba Cloud, said the   power plant. To be located at the Bac Van   tial, active cooperation and support from
         company cooperated with Viettel and   Yen Industrial Park, the plant falls within   the government, enterprises, and educa-
         VNPT via the co-location method, which   provincial planning, socio-economic devel-  tional institutions are essential.”

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