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         Considered a key investment source, ODA funds can often
         be tied up by complicated procedures and requirements.
         By TRAM ANH

               isbursement of ODA funds by min-  of Planning and Investment, reported   Management Board (the project investor
               istries and sectors this year had   that, in 2024, Hanoi has six ODA projects   of all metro lines), the preparation process
         D reached 8.58 per cent of the total   allocated funds of nearly VND3.896 trillion   for these nationally-important projects
         as of mid-May, while the rate for localities   ($152.2 million). However, estimated dis-  involves numerous steps, including 64 for
         stood at 5.7 per cent. A number of min-  bursement from the city’s 2024 plan is   ODA-funded projects and 52 for State or
         istries, sectors, and localities have yet to   quite low, reaching just VND856 billion   local budget-funded projects. This process
         begin disbursing their 2024 capital plans   ($33.5 million), or 21.98 per cent, due to   requires multiple rounds of consultations
         due to a host of issues.           issues relating to adjusting investment   and clarifications at various government
                                            policies and extending loan agreements.   levels, from local to central governments
         Tardy                                 Mr. Tien indicated that while issues   and the National Assembly.
         disbursement                       with the Metro Line No. 3 project have   When a project is in need of adjustment,
           Hanoi’s Metro Line No. 3 between   been largely resolved, adjustments to invest-  procedures for modifying investment poli-
         Hanoi Train Station and Nhon is one of   ment policies and extensions of loan agree-  cies and the project itself are almost iden-
         six ODA projects in Vietnam’s capital   ments have fallen behind schedule. The   tical to those for initial approval.
         continuing to receive ODA funding in   Hanoi People’s Committee is now actively   In the Mekong Delta’s Ben Tre province,
         2024. Despite construction having been   directing investors to address their diffi-  two projects now underway are using
         underway for 14 years, progress on tunnels   culties and promptly report to the govern-  ODA funds: Ben Tre General Hospital,
         and underground stations has only   ment and relevant ministries to seek solu-  and another developing a smart technology
         reached 42.22 per cent of plans due to   tions. Construction of Hanoi’s Metro Line   chain adaptable to climate change, with
         prolonged delays in site clearance. Con-  No. 2 project, between Nam Thang Long   total allocated ODA of VND190 billion
         sequently, the foreign contractor halted   and Tran Hung Dao, which has total revised   ($7.43 million). However, as of May 15,
         construction in August 2021, demanding   investment of VND35.588 trillion ($1.39   disbursement at the two projects had
         compensation and an extension of the   billion) from Japanese ODA, is yet to com-  reached only VND26.6 billion ($1.04 mil-
         loan agreement with foreign donors.   mence due to issues surrounding procedures   lion), primarily due to unsuccessful ten-
           During a recent online conference on   in adjusting investment policies.   dering processes, and Ben Tre is currently
         the disbursement of public investment   Urban railway projects in Vietnam face   revising the bidding documents so that
         from foreign capital, Mr. Le Sinh Tien,   significant constraints from their reliance   implementation can continue.
         Deputy Head of the Planning and Invest-  on foreign ODA funds. According to lead-  Localities around Vietnam were allo-
         ment Division at the Hanoi Department   ers at the Hanoi Metropolitan Railway   cated total ODA funds of VND24.172.86

         8    Vietnam Economic Times    May 27, 2024                                       
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