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                                Modern measures

                            Green finance programs and other initiatives to promote sustainable
                             financial markets are experiencing robust development throughout
                                          Asia and driving growth in green bonds.
                                                     By PHUONG HOA

                                                                               investment opportunities. This collective
                                                                               effort in Asia-Pacific countries underscores
                                                                               the region’s proactive approach in sup-
                                                                               porting the global agenda for sustainable
                                                                               development and highlights a transfor-
                                                                               mative period in the integration of sus-
                                                                               tainability within financial systems.
                                                                                  “These governments are working hard
                                                                               to provide guidance for issuers, businesses,
                                                                               and investors on sustainable classification
                                                                               to promote sustainable financial markets,”
                                                                               Mr. Lee told seminar participants. “And
                                                                               these supportive policies have created a
                                                                               favorable environment for sustainable
                                                                               development in the region.”
                                                                                  One noteworthy illustration of sustain-
                                                                               able classification can be found in Singa-
                                                                               pore, which has evolved into a thriving
                                                                               hub for sustainable finance. With a focus
                                                                               on achieving significant milestones, the
                                                                               island state has dedicated efforts to devel-
                                                                               oping robust classification systems aimed
                                                                               at standardizing the market. A recent
                                                                               milestone along this journey was the com-
                                                                               pletion of the Singapore-Asia Taxonomy,
                                                                               a comprehensive tool designed not only
                                                                               to pinpoint key assets but also transitional
                                                                               assets, thus providing a nuanced under-
                                                                               standing of sustainable investment oppor-
                                                                               tunities in the region.
              ddressing the “Developing the Cor-  shift is reflective of a broader commitment
              porate Bond Market by 2030: A   to integrating environmental, social, gov-  In Japan, though a specific green clas-
         A Perspective from Credit Ratings”   ernance (ESG) criteria into financial deci-  sification system has not been established
         seminar, jointly organized by Vietnam   sion-making processes to promote long-  as yet, a different approach is being taken
         Economic Times (VET) / VnEconomy /   term economic resilience and ecological   by providing detailed roadmaps for each
                                                                               sector. These roadmaps guide the type of
         Tap chi Kinh te Viet Nam, Moody’s Ratings,   stewardship. Countries such as South   assets to invest in across eight different
         and VIS Rating on May 17, Mr. Jeffrey   Korea, China, Malaysia, and Indonesia   sectors, flexibly and creatively promoting
         Lee, Regional Manager APAC Sustainable   have initiated the adoption of sustainable   sustainable development.
         Finance, Moody's Ratings, highlighted   classification principles, aiming to stan-
         several key points in the development of   dardize and promote investments that     Boom in green
         green bonds and the sustainable finance   contribute to sustainability goals.   financial support
         market in various Asian countries, includ-  Notably, Thailand and Singapore have   Green and sustainable financial support
         ing Vietnam. He emphasized the increasing   made significant strides forward by com-  programs are thriving throughout Asia,
         importance of sustainable financial prac-  pleting their sustainable finance classifi-  to offset the high administrative costs
         tices and the growing trend towards green   cation systems, setting benchmarks for   associated with issuing green bonds com-
         bond issuances in the region, driven by a   other nations in the region. Australia is   pared to regular bonds, including consulting
         host of initiatives and support policies.   also actively developing its own version   and independent evaluation fees from
                                            of a sustainable classification framework,   organizations like Moody’s Ratings. Green
         Sustainability                     demonstrating a commitment to align
         classification                      its financial sector with global sustain-  bond support programs are being imple-
           Amid global trends towards sustainable   ability standards. Vietnam, meanwhile,   mented in Japan, Hong Kong (China),
         development, the classification of green   is participating in the regional movement,   China, and Singapore, offering incentives
         and sustainable finance has become an   introducing several initiatives designed   that make it easier for businesses to access
         increasingly important component of   to integrate sustainability into its financial   sustainable financing. “These initiatives
         financial policies for governments and   practices and enhance its appeal among   have helped ease financial barriers and
                                                                               promote the development of sustainable
         financial institutions across Asia. This   international investors seeking sustainable
                                                                               financial markets,” Mr. Lee added.

         20    Vietnam Economic Times    May 27, 2024                                      
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