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                                                                               example in areas like digital trade.
                                                                                  So the CPTPP will give us another
                                                                               opportunity for preferential trade with
         New sources
                                                                               Vietnam and build on the UK-Vietnam
                                                                               Free Trade Agreement (UKVFTA), which
                                                                               entered into force in 2021. Total UK-Viet-
                                                                               nam trade has doubled in the past ten
         of growth
                                                                               years, from £3 billion ($3.8 billion) in
         Visiting UK Trade Commissioner for Asia-Pacific, Mr. Martin Kent,      2013 to over £6 billion ($7.6 billion) last
         tells VET’s Ngoc Lan about the opportunities in Vietnam - UK trade    year. As a rapidly-growing economy in
         relations and particularly the role of free trade agreements.         the heart of the Asia-Pacific, with growth
                                                                               of over 5 per cent last year and a predicted
                                                                               6 per cent this year, we see Vietnam as an
                                                                               important partner and are committed to
                                                                               continuing to grow our trade relations.

                                                                               % How has the UKVFTA given bilateral
                                                                               trade a boost?
                                                            INTERVIEW          stone for enhancing bilateral trade between
                                                                                  The UKVFTA has emerged as a corner-
                                                                               the UK and Vietnam, ushering in a new
                                                                               era of economic cooperation and opportunity
                                                                               for both nations. This landmark agreement,
                                                                               which came into effect on January 1, 2021,
                                                                               has already begun to yield tangible benefits,
                                                                               creating a significant boost for bilateral
                                                                               trade through various mechanisms and pro-
                                                                               visions aimed at fostering greater economic
                                                                               integration and collaboration.
         % Can you tell us how the UK is engag-  exports £1.9 billion ($2.4 billion) worth   Over the years, bilateral trade between
         ing with ASEAN and especially with   of financial services to ASEAN. We look   the UK and Vietnam has witnessed signif-
         Vietnam?                           forward to the innovations and partner-  icant growth, and with bilateral commerce
           Southeast Asia is an increasingly   ships that will come out of the package.   hitting all-time highs, Vietnam has become
         important engine of global growth and a   Vietnam is a key market for the UK in   one of the UK’s most important Southeast
         key partner for the UK. The International   ASEAN, with its rapid economic growth   Asian trading partners. This was in part
         Monetary Fund (IMF) has forecast that   and liberal trade policy. We want to con-  made possible by the UKVFTA, which has
         ASEAN will grow to be the fourth-largest   tinue to work closely together to boost   laid the groundwork for an increasingly
         economy in the world by 2027, larger   trade and economic relations.   vibrant economic collaboration.
         than Germany and Japan but behind                                        To further capitalize on this momentum,
         India, the US, and China.          % How do you view the UK’s accession   both countries are focusing on promoting
           UK-ASEAN trade is worth over £47   to the Comprehensive and Progressive   trade and investment through enhanced
         billion ($59.5 billion), and we are com-  Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partner-  cooperation in key sectors, leveraging
         mitted to growing this relationship for   ship (CPTPP)?               digital technology for trade facilitation,
         mutual prosperity. Just last month, I was   The CPTPP is a large free trade area   fostering closer economic ties through
         in Jakarta to launch the £25 million ($31.6   made up of some of the world’s most   joint initiatives and agreements, and con-
         million) ASEAN-UK Economic Integration   dynamic and rapidly-growing economies   tinuously updating and improving the
         Program. The program will harness oppor-  across the Asia-Pacific and Americas. With   terms of the agreement to adapt to chang-
         tunities from the digital economy, with a   the UK as a member, the bloc will account   ing economic landscapes. Additionally,
         strong focus on women’s economic empow-  for 15 per cent of global GDP. We are   efforts to promote awareness about the
         erment and small business development.   delighted that Singapore, Japan, and Chile   benefits of the UKVFTA among businesses
         We look forward to bringing the best of   have formally ratified our accession. The   and stakeholders in both countries will be
         UK expertise in regulatory reform, financial   CPTPP Act also recently received Royal   crucial for maximizing its potential impact.
         services, and trade policy to ASEAN for   Assent in the UK Parliament, meaning
         mutual prosperity.                 we are one step closer to its entry into   % How are Vietnam and the UK  work-
           2024 will be the UK’s third year as an   force by the end of this year.   ing together to boost bilateral agricul-
         ASEAN Dialogue Partner, under Laos’   This agreement is a gateway to the   tural trade?
         Chairmanship. Our top focus will be   wider Indo-Pacific and Americas region,   We are delighted to see our bilateral
         setting up the ASEAN Economic Inte-  bringing new opportunities for British   agricultural trade relations going from
         gration Program and progressing the new   businesses in a region that will account   strength to strength, with our agriculture
         ASEAN-UK Financial Services Collabo-  for the majority of global growth and   exports to Vietnam increasing 97 per cent
         ration Package. The package brings   half of the world’s middle class consumers   between 2019 and 2023.
         together expertise from the UK’s private   in the decades to come.       The UK’s post-EU exit import require-
         and public sectors to focus on three key   Joining this high-standard and forward-  ments came into force last month. Viet-
         areas: market infrastructure, green finance,   thinking trade bloc enables us to work with   nam is one of only 23 non-EU countries
         and financial access and inclusion. The   Vietnam and other CPTPP members to   to have been specifically “risk assessed”.
         UK is a leading financial hub and already   shape the trading systems of the future, for   Due to Vietnam’s historical compliance,

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