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         Evolutionary                                                          around $40 billion. This disparity, however,
                                                                               underscores the substantial potential for
                                                                               development within the country’s market.
         process                                                               and Financial Institution Division at the
                                                                                  According to a report from the Banking
                                                                               Ministry of Finance (MoF), the total value
                                                                               of corporate bonds with credit ratings
                                                                               stood at nearly VND27 trillion ($1.06 bil-
         The long-anticipated credit ratings landscape
                                                                               lion) in 2023, representing a ten-fold
         in Vietnam has been slowly taking shape.                              increase compared to 2022. However,
                                                                               Vietnam’s credit rating market is still in
                                                                               its infancy, and this figure accounts for
         By ANH TUYET
                                                                               only some 9 per cent of the total volume
                                                                               of corporate bond issuances last year.

              redit rating activities in Vietnam   Ratings” seminar organized by Vietnam   Nascent
              have been undergoing significant   Economic Times / VnEconomy / Tap chi   development
         C changes in line with the new eco-  Kinh te Viet Nam in collaboration with   When compared to the target of achiev-
         nomic cycle. Within this cycle, the coun-  Moody’s Ratings and VIS Rating on May   ing a corporate bond market size of at
         try’s corporate bond market is currently   17 in Hanoi, Mr. Duong Duc Hieu, Director,   least 25 per cent of GDP by 2030 and
         experiencing unprecedented events related   Senior Analyst, Rating and Research team,   when viewed against other markets in
         to credit ratings, such as various upgrades   VIS Rating emphasized the early onset of   the region, it is quite clear that Vietnam’s
         and downgrades. These actions serve to   credit rating activities in corporate bond   market remains relatively modest. The
         clearly classify the quality of products   markets across the Asia-Pacific region.   overall debt in its entire corporate bond
         within the market, distinguishing between   The involvement of credit rating activities   market amounts to approximately 10 per
         premium “brand-name” offerings and   has been accompanied by a substantial   cent of GDP, whereas neighboring coun-
         those that are more commonplace. This   increase in a country’s market scale, char-  tries like Malaysia, Singapore, and Thai-
         differentiation enhances market liquidity   acterized by exponential growth.   land see rates of 56 per cent, 38 per cent,
         and attracts greater participation from   He pointed out that while corporate   and 25 per cent. Credit rating agencies in
         institutional investors.           bond markets in Asia have sizes ranging   Vietnam therefore stand to benefit greatly
           At the “Developing the Corporate Bond   from hundreds of billions to trillions of   from the market’s potential and from the
         Market by 2030: A Perspective from Credit   USD, Vietnam’s market currently stands at   government’s recent regulatory measures

         18    Vietnam Economic Times    May 27, 2024                                      
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