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                             Accolades have come for Ca Mau Fertilizer for its CSR activities and
                                             sustainable development goals.

         O  n November 15, the PetroVietnam Ca Mau Fer-
            tilizer Joint Stock Company (HoSE: DCM) was
            promoted as a business for the community at
         the Saigon Times CSR 2003 awards in Ho Chi Minh
         City, with the theme “Sustainable development and
         beyond”. This is encouragement for and recognition
         of Ca Mau Fertilizerʼs efforts to implement sustain-
         able development goals.
            At Ca Mau Fertilizer, social responsibility is like
         a thread running through its production and busi-
         ness activities. The company has been implement-
         ing corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities
         consistently and has become a cultural identity in
         the market. In addition to CSR, the company has
         also been researching environmental, social, gov-
         ernance (ESG) criteria, which is considered a more
         specific CSR activity.

            As a subsidiary of the Vietnam Oil and Gas
         Group (PetroVietnam), Ca Mau Fertilizer was one
         of the first to begin researching and integrating ESG   and above all, the company absolutely complies   tion to being given fertilizer for practical experience,
         criteria into its development strategies.   with regulations on workplace safety. Furthermore,   thousands of farmers have been equipped with
            It has is continuously researched, improved,   its Board of Directors are transparent and respon-  smart farming knowledge through these programs,
         and offered energy saving solutions. In 2022, it was   sible and manage risks well.   contributing to the development of sustainable
         listed in the top 10 per cent of plants with the lowest             green agriculture.
         energy consumption in the world, as ranked by Hal-  INCREASING ESG ACTIVITIES    Regarding social security activities, in 2023 the
         dor Topsoe. The company also invested in advanced   Over its 12 years of development, the com-  company continues its journey of sowing trust and
         technology to minimize environmental impacts and   panyʼs CSR activities have become increasingly   new vitality in all regions. Education and healthcare
         reduce emissions, deployed and promoted many   clear, comprehensive, and profound, and been re-  are still its top two priority areas. After a decade of
         programs aimed at reducing the amount of chem-  flected in its environmental, social, and internal cor-  serving the community, the company is happy and
         ical fertilizers in fields, and paid due regard to cli-  porate factors.   proud of the value of its contribution, including
         mate change and researching sustainable energy.   Ca Mau Fertilizer actively implements pro-  1,485 houses given to the poor and people with
            The lives of employees at Ca Mau Fertilizer are   grams to guide farming techniques to help farmers   meritorious service to the country; 10,000 schol-
         comprehensively taken care of, from the physical   use products correctly, reduce the amount of fer-  arships to students at all levels; 56 school and li-
         to the mental and from the material to the spiritual,   tilizer, and improve production efficiency. In addi-  brary projects; 13 medical projects; 22 bridges; the
                                                                             rural road network; and caring for  Vietnamese
                                                                             Heroic Mothers.
                                                                                Its spirit of sharing is affirmed through such
                                                                             programs as providing essential supplies during the
                                                                             pandemic and the annual storm and flood season,
                                                                             sharing the burden with patients in difficulties, and
                                                                             providing books and learning tools for students in
                                                                             poor areas.
                                                                                For the second year in a row, Ca Mau Fertilizer
                                                                             has been honored as a business for the community,
                                                                             creating motivation for it to remain steadfast and
                                                                             persistent on the path to development, making
                                                                             Vietnamese agriculture more sustainable and more
                                                                             prosperous. %

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