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         STACS introduces latest

         upgrades to ESGpedia platform

                                                                               empowers banks, investors, insurers, and
                                                                               corporates to overcome data fragmentation
                                                                               and provide a complete picture with aggre-
                                                                               gated ESG data across countries and sectors
                                                                               via AI-powered harmonization of unstruc-
                                                                               tured ESG data. Since the launch of ESG-
                                                                               pedia version 2.0 in May this year, with 5
                                                                               million sustainability data points, the plat-
                                                                               form has since strengthened its AI capabil-
                                                                               ities in aggregating, harmonizing, and stan-
                                                                               dardizing ESG data, to even smart extraction
                                                                               of ESG metrices from documents, and
                                                                               enhanced its data coverage. It now includes
                                                                               300,000+ companies’ sustainability data, of
                                                                               which 115,000+ company profiles have full
                                                                               corporate data overlaid and standardized.
                                                                                  As a key development, the platform now
                                                                               offers Taxonomy Regulatory Mapping, which
                                                                               provides digital automation to transform
                                                                               portfolio data to regulatory needs like ESRS,
                                                                               Environmental Risk Questionnaires (ERQ)
               sia’s leading environmental, social,   thrilled that ESGpedia’s latest platform   in Singapore, Climate Change and Princi-
               governance (ESG) data and tech-  updates - with the introduction of ESGpedia   ple-based Taxonomy (CCPT) Due Diligence
         A nology solutions company, STACS,   Nexus and Intelligence - has helped finan-  in Malaysia, the Philippines’ SEC Sustain-
         has launched upgrades to its ESGpedia   cial institutions and companies across   ability Reporting Form (SuRe), and more.
         platform, offering digital tools to help busi-  ASEAN achieve their ESG goals regardless   In May 2023, ESGpedia launched the
         nesses and financial institutions comply   of their ESG maturities, and fill the ESG   ESCAP Sustainable Business Network
         with increasing ESG regulatory require-  data gaps in the Asia-Pacific today.”   (ESBN) Asia-Pacific Green Deal for Busi-
         ments across Europe and Asia. With this,   While financial institutions and large   nesses digital program on ESGpedia, in
         ESGpedia also unveiled several key use   corporates need access to ESG data from   partnership with ESBN. This provides a
         cases with banks and corporates across   SMEs in their supply chains, they face a   digitalized and simplified self-assessment
         the ASEAN region.                  lack of such data, especially in the Asia-  tool meant to lower the barriers to entry for
           Starting from 2024, more than 50,000   Pacific region. To help plug ESG data gaps   corporates and SMEs, in order to help them
         EU companies and 10,000 non-EU com-  in the region and provide a complete ESG   kick-start their sustainability journey. This
         panies will be directly covered by the Euro-  database, ESGpedia has enhanced its AI-  will help companies report metrics that are
         pean Sustainability Reporting Standards   powered engine to provide a dual approach   aligned with stakeholders’ needs and provide
         (ESRS), and this coverage includes their   - Nexus and Intelligence.   them with an automated calculation of their
         value chains, of which 90 per cent are small   ESGpedia Nexus enables companies of   GHG emissions, localized to multiple coun-
         and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs),   various ESG maturities to achieve their   tries in Asia-Pacific. Companies that pledge
         largely in Asia. Various Asian markets have   end-to-end business needs and reach full   their support and complete the digital assess-
         also implemented mandatory regulatory   readiness through active engagement and   ment will be awarded an ESBN Green Deal
         reporting to enhance the adoption of global   its marketplace of sustainability solutions.   badge in Gold, Silver, or Green, recognizing
         sustainability and ESG standards, such as   To lower barriers to sustainability, companies   their commitment to sustainability.
         the International Financial Reporting Stan-  can create a free ESG profile with simplified   Since then, ESGpedia has supported
         dards’ (IFRS) inaugural ISSB standard,   ESG metrics scalable to support interna-  more than 100 companies across Asia-Pacific
         with many disclosure requirements extend-  tional assessments and standards reporting.   to secure their ESBN Green Deal badge.
         ing to large non-listed companies and SMEs.   It offers digital tools that automatically   The platform has also rapidly expanded
           “ASEAN companies are facing increasing   convert operational data like fuel, refrigerant,   across Asia, launching in several ASEAN
         mandatory ESG requirements, which are   and electricity consumption to greenhouse   markets including Vietnam, the Philippines,
         extending to large non-listed companies   gas (GHG) emissions under the standard   and, most recently, Indonesia, to support
         and SMEs,” said Mr. Benjamin Soh,   GHG Protocol, localized to all Asia-Pacific   countries’ local ecosystems, financial sectors,
         Founder and Managing Director of STACS.   countries. To help companies take positive   and businesses in their ESG journey.
         “This is where understanding your current   action towards ESG excellence, ESGpedia   The latest ESGpedia’s solutions were
         ESG profile and leveraging technologies   Nexus provides a marketplace where com-  showcased at STACS’ industry event on
         like AI help companies ensure compliance   panies can amplify their ESG profile, and   November 2, with the attendance of asso-
         towards the evolving ESG regulations land-  sell or procure ESG services.   ciations, financial institutions, and cor-
         scape across Europe and Asia. We are   ESGpedia Intelligence, meanwhile,   porate leaders. %

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