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                                                                               with the Chinese market still to fully recover
                                                                               to pre-pandemic levels. Occupancy on Phu
                                                                               Quoc Island is slightly lower, given the
                                                                               many new properties entering the market
                                                                               and working to establish their presence.

                                                                               BARRIERS IN PLACE
                                                                                  Prior to the pandemic, Vietnam posted
                                                                               steep annual increases in domestic and inter-
                                                                               national tourism. In 2019, it recorded its
                                                                               fourth consecutive year of double-digit growth,
                                                                               with international arrivals increasing 16.9
                                                                               per cent each year between 2009 and 2019.
                                                                               According to Savills Hotels, this robust growth
                                                                               in turn fueled the development of the hospi-
                                                                               tality industry, primarily in beach destinations
                                                                               like Phu Quoc Island, Nha Trang, and Da
                                                                               Nang, which have added 15,000 additional
         Coming ashore
                                                                               rooms every year since 2016.
                                                                                  “This resulted in a two-fold increase in
                                                                               base supply within six years,” said Mr. Gas-
                                                                               parotti. “However, the pandemic put a
         once more
                                                                               brake on growth momentum. As a result,
         Issues remain, but Vietnam’s hospitality market
                                                                               hotels in Vietnam are not only facing
         is well on the way to recovery.                                       reduced international demand but also
                                                                               stronger competition.”
         | By HOANG TU
                                                                                  Mr. Wong agrees that leisure travel is
                                                                               still much lower than in 2019 and resort
              hough hotel operations are yet to   been very strong year-to-date, and in most   hotels are therefore still struggling to reach
              recover to pre-pandemic levels, overall   cases above 2019 levels.”   capacity. “Key leisure source markets have
         T occupancy reveals signs of improve-  Rubix International also believes that   not returned to pre-pandemic levels as yet,
         ment in the hospitality market, according   Vietnam’s hotel and resort market is recov-  coupled with fewer flights from these key
         to Savills Hotels. “There is no doubt that   ering strongly. In the third quarter of this   markets,” he said. “Other regional destina-
         the hospitality industry will continue to   year, Lotte opened L7 West Lake Hanoi   tions are also aggressively driving promotions
         play a fundamental role in the country, cre-  by Lotte, with 264 rooms and 192 serviced
         ating jobs and giving rise to new destinations,   apartments. This is the fourth hotel under
         among other benefits,” said Mr. Mauro Gas-  the L7 Hotels by Lotte brand, and L7
         parotti, Director of Savills Hotels. “However,   Hotels’ first 5-star hotel operating overseas,
         for Vietnam to remain competitive, the   joining three establishments in South
         market must change and update its offerings,   Korea. Accor, meanwhile, opened the Novo-
         with a focus on local culture and the creation   tel Living South Saigon hotel in Ho Chi
         of communities.”                   Minh City, with 175 rooms.
                                              The Savills Hotels report revealed that
         ROAD TO RECOVERY                   city destinations like Hanoi and Ho Chi
           Officially opened at a time of great sig-  Minh City have performed relatively well,
         nificance, when Vietnam had just fully re-  with over 65 per cent occupancy.    “Vietnam’s tourism industry must also take
         opened to international tourism in 2021,   Hotel performance is undoubtedly recov-  proactive steps to redefine its destination
         Ms. Hannah Loughlin, Director of Sales   ering in Vietnam but at a slower pace than   image and international presence, upgrade
         & Marketing at Capella Hanoi, said that   hoped for and is quite fragmented, according   tourism infrastructure, preserve the natural
         as of September it had already surpassed   to Mr. Gasparotti. Compared to other desti-  environment, and provide better support to
         its revenue target for the year as a whole.   nations in the region, Vietnam is taking   travelers before, during, and after their
           “We obviously had challenges in the   longer to recover to pre-pandemic levels.   journey. There also needs to be better
         first full year of operations,” she said. “How-  Firstly, this is due to the slow recovery of   infrastructure and increased attention to
                                                                               sustainable tourism. Attention should shift
         ever, we are now on course for a record-  Chinese tourists, who accounted for over   towards sustainability, eco-tourism, senior
         breaking average level, measured using   one-third of international arrivals in Vietnam   living products, and medical and regenerative
         the Revenue Generation Index (RGI). We   before the pandemic. Secondly, some desti-  tourism. However, there is also the possibility
         only have 45-47 rooms, compared to the   nations are facing the risk of accommodation   of succeeding by redirecting some attention to
         competition, which has 100-150.”   oversupply, which intensifies competition.   the entertainment elements of the hospitality
           Average occupancy in Sheraton Saigon   The report noted that properties in   industry. Several aspects of the industry’s
         Hotel & Towers, meanwhile, is 10 per cent   leisure markets like Nha Trang - Cam   global trends should be clearly understood by
                                                                               both private developers and local authorities,
         higher than in pre-pandemic 2019. “2019   Ranh, Da Nang, and Phu Quoc Island are   as these will have a profound impact on the
         was our best year since opening, so this   struggling to improve occupancy. Da Nang   evolution of tourism in Vietnam.”
         year has seen very encouraging perform-  is the leading beach destination in terms
         ance,” said Mr. Julian Wong, General Man-  of occupancy, reaching approximately 60      Mr. Mauro Gasparotti
         ager of Sheraton Saigon Hotel & Towers.   per cent. Nha Trang - Cam Ranh has      Director, Savills Hotels
         “Urban and city hotel performance has   achieved about 30 per cent occupancy,

         38  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  DECEMBER 2023                                    
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