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        Hanoi                                                 Ho Chi Minh City
                      Occupied    Vacant     Average Room Rate             Occupied    Vacant     Average Room Rate
         Rooms                                                Rooms
        12,000                                        3.0     18,000                                      2.5
        10,000                                        2.5     15,000
         8,000                                        2.0     12,000
         6,000                                         1.5  VND million/room/night  9,000                     VND million/room/night
         4,000                                        1.0      6,000
         2,000                                        0.5      3,000
                                                                  0                                       0.0
            0                                         0.0
              Q3 2019  Q3 2020  Q3 2021  Q3 2022  Q3 2023             2019    2020   2021    2022  9M 2023
                                                                                         Source: Savills Research & Consultancy

        and visa-free offerings to boost their appeal.”   improvement compared to the 5 per cent   lion domestic visitors were also served.
          As a newcomer, the challenge for Capella   growth recorded at the beginning of the   Total revenue is estimated at VND582.6
        Hanoi hasn’t necessarily been on the busi-  year. There have also been improvements   trillion ($24.2 billion).
        ness side but how to offer value for money,   in other source markets, such as India,   Mr. Wong said Vietnam continues to
        according to Ms. Loughlin.         Thailand, and Malaysia.            be a very attractive country, whether for
          It is smaller than other Capella-branded   The recent extension of visas to 90   business, meetings, or leisure travel.
        hotels in Singapore and Bangkok. But Viet-  days is also encouraging news. It estab-  “Many companies are looking at investing
        nam’s capital is still an international market   lishes a strong foundation for both leisure   in Vietnam or expanding their existing
        and customers from Hong Kong (China)   and business travelers, allowing them to   operating capacity due to its attractive-
        and Singapore are coming to Vietnam. In   plan their itineraries to Vietnam without   ness, large population base, stable gov-
        addition, resorts such as Six Senses Con   limitations of number of entries. This pol-  ernance, and business-friendly environ-
        Dao or Amanoi can charge $1,000 a night   icy serves as a necessary stimulus to attract   ment,” he added. “On the leisure front,
        because their beaches are incredible. But   a broader range of international clientele,   Vietnam is perceived to be a country
        for city hotels, it’s been a challenging time.   though there is still much work to be   that is emerging and a fresh destination
        In addition, resort staff have been trained   done to facilitate tourism via a faster visa   in Southeast Asia, renowned for its beau-
        at Four Seasons or Ritz-Carlton, Mandarin   process, better immigration procedures,   tiful culture, people, attractions, food,
        Oriental, JW Marriott, or Park Hyatt. “When   and more direct international flights.   and history.”
        you arrive at a luxury hotel, you know what   In October, the number of international   Cappella Hanoi will focus on F&B as
        international standards there will be, whereas   visitors to Vietnam again surpassed the   their strength and signature offering. Sher-
        we don’t have that level of staff training,”   milestone of 1.11 million, according to   aton Saigon Hotel & Towers, meanwhile,
        Ms. Loughlin added. “We have spent a lot   the Vietnam National Authority of   has a number of major sustainability proj-
        of time training and finding people who   Tourism (VNAT); the fourth consecutive   ects that it will implement to help reduce
        are willing to put themselves through the   month Vietnam has welcomed in excess   its carbon footprint and drive sustainability
        fire, because service at this level is not easy.”   of 1 million international visitors.    from next year. “We are also looking at
          From a research perspective, Mr. Gas-  In the first ten months of the year, the   new branded offerings as well as enhanced
        parotti said the issue lies in the creation of   industry as a whole welcomed 10 million   technology to improve our guests’ digital
        inappropriate products. Some developers   international visitors, up 4.2-fold com-  experience,” Mr. Wong said. %
        hastily entered the market without proper   pared to the
        planning, leading to properties that lack   same period
        identity and contribute to oversupply issues   last year, cre-
        in certain areas. Though there are some   ating  solid
        well-built properties with the right posi-  hope  about
        tioning, there are also many that have pri-  achieving the
        oritized quantity over quality.    target of wel-
          He added that while demand is showing   coming 12-13
        signs of improvement, rising airfares, eco-  million inter-
        nomic and political instability, and staff   national visi-
        shortages still pose challenges to recovery   tors in 2023
        in hospitality.                    and revealing
                                           the positive
        LOOKING AHEAD                      prospects for
          Chinese tourists have been returning   the tourism
        at a faster pace since the summer of 2023,   industry in the
        and currently surpass pre-pandemic levels   future. In addi-
        by 30 per cent. This is a significant   tion, 98.7 mil-
                                                     DECEMBER 2023  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  39
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