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          FOUNDATION                                                           Net Zero (GFANZ) Working Group mem-
                                                                               bers, subject to the mobilization of catalytic
                                                                               public sector finance by IPG members.
          TO TRANSITION                                                          A GREENER FUTURE

                                                                                  According to Mr. Thomas Wiersing,
                                                                               Chargé d’affaires of the Delegation of the
          The JETP will help Vietnam access vital resources for the energy     European Union to Vietnam, Vietnam’s
          tasks ahead, with much for the country to do to benefit fully.        ambitious goal of achieving net-zero car-
                                                                               bon emissions, as demonstrated at COP26
           By LINH TONG                                                        and in the government’s Power Develop-
                                                                               ment Plan VIII (PDP8), clearly indicates
                                                                               the need for specific measures across all
                                                                               energy sectors and the economy. The
                                                                               JETP will be an effective tool, and Viet-
                                                                               nam’s Resource Mobilization Plan (RMP)
            n order to mitigate the damage caused   Partners Group (IPG), which includes
            by climate change, the world needs to   countries in the G7 plus Norway and   will be the first step, outlining ambitions,
                                                                               directions, policy reforms, and opportu-
         I rapidly reduce the amount of carbon   Denmark. In implementing the JETP   nities to drive the process.
         dioxide emissions, and not only wealthy   Declaration, international partners will   Mr. Mark George, Climate Counsellor
         nations. To make this a reality, middle-  help Vietnam in refining policies to attract   at the Embassy of the United Kingdom
         income and low-income countries require   investment in the transition and enhance   in Vietnam, believes that the RMP is an
         trillions of dollars to replace coal-fired power   energy efficiency, strengthen electricity   opportunity to establish a roadmap to
         plants with cleaner energy sources, improve   grid infrastructure, and provide education   realize Vietnam’s ambitions in a fair energy
         electricity grids, retrain workers, and imple-  and vocational training. Vietnam’s JETP   transition, promoting growth, supporting
         ment other measures. In this context, the   will mobilize at least $15.5 billion over   the achievement of national socio-eco-
         Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP)   the next three to five years, of which at
         is one of the most sophisticated financial   least $7.75 billion is being mobilized from   nomic goals, and enhancing energy security
                                                                               and competitiveness.
         mechanisms designed to transfer funds   public sector finance, which should be on   “The UK, along with the EU, was deter-
         from affluent economies to certain devel-  more attractive terms than Vietnam could   mined to make sense of this, so both
         oping countries to eliminate fossil fuels.   secure in the capital market, and at least   agreed to become co-chairs of the IPG,
           On December 14, 2022, Vietnam signed   $7.75 billion will be in private finance   representing different countries and the
         a JETP Declaration with the International   from the Glasgow Financial Alliance for

         14  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  DECEMBER 2023                                    
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