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         HOT ON

         THE HEELS

         Vietnam is working hard to stay abreast of global
         development trends and is well positioned to
         move ahead and grow.

          JS PARK
          Head of International Subsidiary Banking,
          Wholesale Banking, HSBC Vietnam

                                                                                                   PHOTOS: HSBC VIETNAM
              he speed and pace of evolution can   towards clean energy becomes an obligation   width memory, and high density DRAM
              be beyond measure. There are long-  and not an option. Disruptive technology   on the back of a need for advanced com-
         T term tectonic shifts beginning to   will be the final driver and have a resound-  puting and storage infrastructure such as
         emerge and impacting across regions.   ing impact across global trends reshaping   cloud and servers. Smart farming, for exam-
         Based on HSBC Global Research, there   the world, from automation to energy   ple, addresses the vulnerability of supply
         are key drivers of these long-term trends   transition and future cities, consumers,   chains. HSBC believes that global AgTech
         reshaping societies, economies, and mar-  and transport.              will grow by a compound annual growth
         kets, and sending out ripples far and wide.                           rate (CAGR) of 15-20 per cent to 2030.
         Just to pick out a few, demographics is an   REGIONAL EFFECT          Alibaba, JD, and Tencent already provide
         obvious driver, as population trends will   Demographic change is unfolding and   blockchain services to farmers in Asia.
         affect  global and regional economies in   accelerating, with India set to take over   Asian governments are keen to achieve
         the decades to come more profoundly   China as the most populous nation on   their energy transition. Ninety-six per cent
         than ever. Working age populations are   earth. North Asia is facing sharp declines   of the energy capacity added in 2023 in
         shrinking and productivity shifts towards   in population and a concurrent rise in   India was green energy. China’s five major
         further automation will present challenges.   aging, while ASEAN moves on as a young   coal power producers are now the world’s
         Additionally, young digital natives and   and growing population with a rising   largest investors in renewables, and the
         others from emerging markets will become   urbanization rate and rapidly-growing mid-  country has become the dominant player
         future consumers. Population change will   dle-class. Population declines and aging   in the photovoltaic (PV) industry, processing
         also dictate the destiny of future cities as   societies are prompting the speeding up   90 per cent of wafers, cells, and modules
         well as future transport. Climate change   of automation for better manufacturing   globally. Renewable capacity in ASEAN is
         is an emerging trend yet perhaps carries   processes. The number of industrial robots   expected to double between 2020 and 2025.
         the most weight in terms of driving a   installed in factories across China outpaced   The future consumers will largely be
         long-term shift in future trends. This driver   the rest of the world combined in 2021.    Asian consumers. By 2030, the top 10
         digs into changing the fundamentals of   Disruptive technology is led by growing   largest consumer markets globally will be
         the different economies as an energy tran-  investment in AI creating demand for high   composed of six Asian countries: China,
         sition away from hydrocarbon power   performance chips, modules, high band-  India, Indonesia, Japan, Bangladesh, and

         36  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  JANUARY 2024                                     
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