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                                                                               data to develop a deep understanding of
                                                                               consumers to shape decision-making could
                                                                               set leaders apart.

                                                                               How have consumption patterns
                                                                               changed across markets?
                                                                                  Our analysis identified five notable
                                                                               consumption trends across the region,
                                                                               but understanding the nuances in each
                                                                               market will be critical for grocery retailers
                                                                               and FMCG leaders. In this section, we
                                                                               dive into consumer preferences across
                                                                               categories and price points as well as for-
                                                                               mats and channels.
                                                                                  Five critical consumption trends shaping
                                                                               Asian markets include: 1) The quest for
                                                                               value deepens, but the actual purchase
                                                                            PHOTO: VIET TUAN  volumes response varies; 2) Non-food dis-
                                                                               cretionary categories shine; 3) The transi-
                                                                               tion to modern brick and mortar is slowing
                                                                               down everywhere but Malaysia and Thai-
                                                                               land; 4) Small format offers hope for mod-
                                                                               ern grocers in some markets; 5) Online
         Seeking value
                                                                               continues to gain share across markets,
                                                                               but its growth has slowed.

         propositions                                                          The quest for value deepens,
                                                                               but the actual purchase volumes
         FMCG shopping habits are wildly different throughout Asia given       response varies
                                                                                  Since 2022, persistent inflation has led
         the countries’ uniquely changing circumstances in recent times.
                                                                               Asian consumers to hunt for cheaper alter-
                                                                               natives. We see a dichotomy at play when it
         | By MCKINSEY & COMPANY
                                                                               comes to quantity: consumers in fast-growing
                                                                               markets such as Indonesia, the Philippines,
                                                                               and Vietnam maintained their purchasing
               sian grocers and fast-moving con-  at upwards of 6 per cent in five of the eight
               sumer goods (FMCG) companies   markets. The good news is that, across the   volume, whereas consumers in markets
         A are dealing with the impact of infla-  region, consumers have largely been resilient   such as Malaysia and Thailand pulled back
         tion and changing consumer preferences.   and maintained their spending levels on   on the volume of goods they purchased.
                                                                                  Non-food discretionary categories shine
         McKinsey’s analysis highlights five trends,   FMCG. Since inflation peaked in most   In difficult times, the higher-end discre-
         but the devil is in the detail for each market.   markets in June and July, consumer con-
                                            fidence has started to improve.    tionary categories (such as electronics)
         Each market has its own momentum                                      suffer most, but consumers will shift part
           Asia is an amalgamation of markets with   Basket size and frequency show   of their discretionary spending to smaller
         different spending power (GDP per capita   diverse patterns across markets   rewards, with beauty usually being the top
         varies from $2,000 to $33,000), levels of   The drivers of growth differ across mar-  category. This “lipstick effect” has been
         urbanization (ranging from 37 to 85 per   kets, which can be grouped into three   documented during recessions and is evident
         cent), and digital penetration. An exami-  archetypes. In South Korea and Taiwan   across Asia. As one indicator, sunblock and
         nation of these markets indicates most have   (China), the average basket size (also referred   hair color purchases were among the top
         grown but at different rates. While Indonesia,   to as spending per trip) was four to five-  three fastest-growing in most markets.
                                                                                  In markets where eating outside of the
         Malaysia, South Korea, and Taiwan (China)   times larger than in other markets. These
         saw slowing growth in consumer spending   markets, along with Indonesia and Malaysia,   home is preferred and is now returning to
         on FMCG, India, the Philippines, and Viet-  saw an increase in average basket size, but   pre-pandemic levels, such as Malaysia,
         nam are experiencing robust growth. Thai-  the frequency of visits dropped considerably.   South Korea, Taiwan (China), Thailand,
         land experienced a decline in spending,   In the Philippines and Vietnam, the fre-  and urban Vietnam, consumers have
         with consumers shifting to value, potentially   quency of trips and basket size both   reduced spending on food categories (food,
         due to inflation and the increased penetration   increased. By contrast, consumers in India   beverages, and dairy). On the other hand,
         of modern grocery.                 and Thailand favored more frequent visits   in markets with a greater share of low-
                                            but had declining basket size.     income households - India, Indonesia, the
         Inflation fuels rising consumer       The traditional question of right assort-  Philippines, and rural Vietnam - shoppers
         spending on FMCG                   ment mix, format planning, and location   continued to spend more on food and bev-
           Total spending on FMCG increased 6.1   selection still remains relevant. For example,   erages for in-home consumption.
         per cent in 2023 against 2022; a faster rate   in selected markets, retailers and FMCG
         compared to the past two years. The bad   companies could look to expand their   The transition to modern brick and
         news is that most of the growth was the   assortment with an eye toward capturing   mortar is slowing down everywhere
                                                                               but Malaysia and Thailand
         result of rising prices caused by inflation,   more spending from fewer visits. Using
                                                                                  The adoption of modern grocery (includ-

         34  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  JANUARY 2024                                     
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