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                                   Positives in place

                        Though continuing to be exposed to global headwinds, there was still much
                        to be pleased with in Vietnam’s economic performance during April and the
                          opening four months of the year, the latest government meeting heard.
                                                      By VIET CHUNG

              t its April meeting on May 5, chaired   and the prestige and position of the coun-  Firstly, the implementation of the Res-
              by Prime Minister Pham Minh   try continued to rise in the global arena.   olution from the 13th Party Congress and
         A Chinh, the government was upbeat    Several international organizations   resolutions, conclusions and directions from
         about Vietnam’s economic results in the   offered optimistic perspectives on Viet-  the Party Central Committee, the Politburo,
         first four months of 2024, with April in   nam’s economic growth so far this year.   the National Assembly, and the government
         particular recording solid performance.    The Asian Development Bank (ADB)   are to be monitored and reviewed.
                                            forecast 2024 growth of 6 per cent and   Secondly, the country is to resolutely
         Outstanding figures                 HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank 6.3   move forward in the face of any and all
           Economic growth continued during   and 6.7 per cent, respectively. Vietnam’s   difficulties. The more pressure there is,
         the first four months in the three sectors   business environment ranking improved   the harder the country must work, the
         of agriculture, industry, and services. The   12 places, and the country was ranked   Prime Minister said, turning impossibil-
         macro-economy was stabilized, inflation   46th out of the 132 countries in the Global   ities into possibilities. Focus should be
         was kept under control, and major eco-  Innovation Index, up two spots.   placed on addressing obstacles, boosting
         nomic balances were ensured. Development   Addressing the meeting, Prime Min-  production and business, and creating
         investment continued to see positive results,   ister Chinh affirmed that the country’s   jobs and livelihoods for the people.
         contributing to boosting growth. Enterprise   achievements are due to the effective   Thirdly, the domestic and international
         growth also continued to be positive.   leadership and direction of the Party Cen-  situations are to be closely monitored,
         Administrative reform was boosted, in   tral Committee, the Politburo, and the   with analytical and forecasting capabilities
         particular in cutting and simplifying admin-  Party Secretariat, and the coordination   enhanced and policies adjusted in a timely
         istrative procedures. The prevention and   between the National Assembly and rel-  and effective manner. The decentralization
         control of corruption and negative practices   evant ministries and agencies as well as   of authority and the allocation of resources
         were fostered, strengthening people’s trust.   the participation and support of businesses   are to be promoted, and enforcement
           Vietnam’s socio-political situation   and individuals and the assistance and   capacity strengthened and inspections
         remained stable, national defense and   cooperation of international friends.   and supervision efforts bolstered.
         security were secured, diplomacy and   He issued the following directions for   Fourthly, unity and solidarity are to
         international integration were enhanced,   the time to come.          be fortified, discipline and order main-

         10    Vietnam Economic Times    May 15, 2024                                      
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