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          Legal avenue essential
          A decree on rooftop solar power systems is required to help address
          a key issue surrounding self-produced power generation.
          By CHU KHOI

              he Ministry of Industry and Trade   social responsibility concepts.    With a capacity of 2.22 MWp, in 2022
              (MoIT) is busy finalizing a draft   It installed 4,937 high-efficiency LONGi   alone the system produced approximately
         T decree on mechanisms and policies   rooftop solar power panels with a capacity   2,600 MWh of electricity, contributing about
         to encourage the advancement of self-  of 450Wp, which are capable of enduring   12-13 per cent of the factory’s power needs.
         generated and self-consumed rooftop   the Delta’s harsh weather and environmental   This self-generated and self-consumed elec-
         solar power. The draft, however, has trig-  conditions. On its grounds, it installed eight   tricity is highly-regarded by international
         gered concerns among some businesses   SMA 110KW inverters and 13 SMA 75KW   experts, as it helps reduce carbon dioxide
         and residents. While it will encourage   inverters outside of the factory.    emissions by around 1,900 tons, equivalent
         the development of rooftop solar, they                                to planting 31,000 trees for a decade.
         hope they will be able to sell any excess   Meeting green standards      The use of affordable renewable energy
         electricity generated.                Kim Duc’s solar power system was   helps the company to not only optimize
           The Kim Duc JSC, a leading supplier   developed under a power purchase agree-  operational costs but also meet criteria in
         of packaging for global retail chains, has a   ment (PPA). Germany’s Ecoligo Investment   green production. According to a repre-
         factory at the Vinh Loc 2 Industrial Park   Fund is the main investor, while the Vu   sentative from Kim Duc, some of its Euro-
         in Ben Luc district in the Mekong Delta’s   Phong Energy Group provides engineering,   pean partners have recently insisted that
         Long An province. The company is also a   procurement, and construction (EPC) serv-  its manufacture of goods use clean energy,
         member of the British Retail Consortium   ices and operations and maintenance. The   and the use of this solar power in produc-
         (BRC), which actively implements inter-  solar-generated electricity is sold to the   tion allows the company to easily meet
         national standards and follows corporate   Kim Duc factory to power its production.   such requirements.

         20    Vietnam Economic Times    May 15, 2024                                      
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