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         Addressing the eighth meeting of the National Committee for   human resources and skills to meet socio-
         Digital Transformation on April 24, Prime Minister Pham Minh   economic development requirements; and
         Chinh called for the stepping up of institutional improvements   ensure cyber security and information secu-
         and the creation of a full legal corridor to promote national digital   rity to protect national cyberspace sover-
         transformation and develop Vietnam’s digital economy. He empha-  eignty early and from afar. He also urged that measures be con-
         sized the need to hasten upgrades to digital infrastructure and   certedly and effectively carried out so that Vietnam will move up
         digital platforms to provide a foundation for digital economic   at least five places in the United Nations e-Government Development
         development; promote the creation of digital data and the devel-  Index and be listed among the Top 30 countries in the Global
         opment of digital services; step up the development of digital   Cybersecurity Index.

                                      NA CHAIRMAN REMOVED FROM POSITION                      PERSONNEL AFFAIRS

                           At its seventh extra-ordinary session on   Hue violated regulations on acts Party members must not
                           May 2, the 15th National Assembly (NA)   commit along with regulations concerning the responsibility of
                           approved the removal of Mr. Vuong Dinh   officials to set a good example, especially members of the
                           Hue from his positions as Chairman of   Politburo, the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat, and the
         the 15th NA, Member of the Council of National Defense and   Party Central Committee. He also bore responsibility as a Head
         Security, and Deputy in the 15th NA. Earlier, at its meeting on   under Party regulations and State law. According to an announce-
         April 26, the 13th Party Central Committee agreed to allow Mr.   ment from the NA Standing Committee on the same day, Mr.
         Hue, as was his wish, to cease holding the positions of Politburo   Tran Thanh Man, Politburo Member and Standing Deputy
         Member, Member of the 13th Party Central Committee, and   Chairman of the NA, will manage the activities of the legislature
         Chairman of the 15th NA. According to the Party Central Com-  and its Standing Committee until a new Chairman is elected in
         mittee’s Inspection Commission and relevant authorities, Mr.   accordance with the law.

           FDI DISBURSEMENT                    FIVE-YEAR RECORD POSTED

         According to the General Statistics Office (GSO), total FDI capital   2024, a year-on-year increase of 4.5 per
         disbursed in the first four months of this year is estimated at $6.28   cent. Of this, $7.11 billion went to 966 new
         billion, up 7.4 per cent year-on-year and the highest figure in the   projects, an increase of 28.8 per cent in
         four-month period in the past five years. The manufacturing and   project numbers and 73.2 per cent in capital
         processing sector saw the largest disbursement, of $4.93 billion,   year-on-year. The manufacturing and processing sector led in
         accounting for 78.5 per cent of the total. It was followed by the real   newly-registered FDI capital, with nearly $5 billion, followed by
         estate business, with $607.6 million, and the production and distri-  real estate with $1.6 billion. Among the 50 countries and territories
         bution of electricity, gas, hot water, steam and air conditioning,   with newly-licensed projects in the first four months, Singapore
         with $259.8 million. The GSO also reported that as of April 20,   ranked first in terms of capital, with $2.59 billion, accounting for
         total FDI inflows into Vietnam had reached nearly $9.27 billion in   36.4 per cent of the total.

                                                   CENTER TO BE LAUNCHED IN HCMC                  INDUSTRY 4.0
                           At a workshop on the Center for the Fourth   expected to be located at the Saigon Hi-Tech Park. Its establishment
                           Industrial Revolution (C4IR) held in Ho   is part of cooperation between the Vietnamese Government and
                           Chi Minh City on April 25, Deputy Chair-  the World Economic Forum (WEF) for the 2023-2026 period and
                           man of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s   also under a deal signed between the Chairman of the municipal
         Committee Vo Van Hoan revealed that the C4IR in the southern   People’s Committee and WEF leaders earlier this year. Mr. Hoan
         city is to be officially launched in September, with the mission of   expressed a hope that the Center would become a platform not
         being Vietnam’s leading facility in advising national industrial   only for the city but also for the entire country to shape the devel-
         policies, piloting their implementation in the city, and promoting   opment of Industry 4.0 strategies in line with the overall national
         economic transformation during Industry 4.0. The second of its   development strategy, contributing to the global trajectory of
         kind in Southeast Asia and the 19th worldwide, the Center is   technological advancement.

         A project entitled “Smart Agro-ecological Transformation of Farming   MARD in April 2023 and launched in the
         Systems towards Resilience and Sustainability in Middle and   Mekong Delta province of Hau Giang
         Coastal Zones of Vietnam’s Mekong Delta (STAR-FARM)” was   province on December 13, 2023 at the Viet-
         officially introduced at a meeting co-hosted in the Mekong Delta   nam-Hau Giang International Rice Festival.
         province of Tra Vinh on April 25 by the Ministry of Agriculture and   Underway from 2023-2027, the project consists of three components,
         Rural Development (MARD), the United Nations Food and Agri-  including supporting the enforcement of policies related to the
         culture Organization (FAO), and the Tra Vinh Department of Agri-  transformation of smart food systems in climate change, supporting
         culture and Rural Development. According to Mr. Nguyen Do   the development and improvement of ecological agricultural value
         Tuan Anh, Director of MARD’s Department of International Coop-  chains, and enhancing the adaptive capacity of stakeholders in
         eration, the project has total funding of nearly €4.2 million ($4.66   monitoring and evaluating the transformation of food systems,
         million), funded by the EU through the FAO. It was approved by   promoting innovation and creativity.

         8    Vietnam Economic Times    May 15, 2024                                       
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