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          Clarity absent                                                       supplied to the national grid as of the
                                                                                  Some 11.135 billion kWh had been
                                                                               end of 2023, accounting for 3.97 per cent
                                                                               of the total volume of electricity Vietnam
                                                                               produces and imports.
          The potential for rooftop solar power infrastructure at IPs             These rooftop solar systems were installed
          around Vietnam remains but the ongoing legal ambiguity               and assessed and had purchase contracts
          must be addressed.                                                   signed with EVN or its representatives
                                                                               before the feed-in tariff (FIT) price mech-
          By VU KHUE
                                                                               anism expired on December 31, 2020.
                                                                                  Mr. La Hong Ky, a representative from
                                                                               the Office of the State Steering Committee
                                                                               for Energy Projects, said that although a
                                                                               new trading mechanism for solar power is
              ooftop solar power is considered by   this source of renewable energy to secure   yet to be issued, many rooftop solar power
              many to be a sound option for indus-  green certification for their exports.   systems have been installed for self-use since
         R trial parks (IPs) to add to electricity                             2021, following the expiration of Decision
         supply and comply with environmental pro-  Self-produced for self-use   No. 13. As of July 2023, some 1,030 rooftop
         tection regulations, while also providing   Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) and its   solar power systems had been installed as
         advantages in attracting both domestic and   subsidiary power companies have signed   of July 2023 for self-use by individuals and
         foreign investment. However, the installation   contracts to purchase rooftop solar power   organizations, mostly IPs and limited com-
         and use of rooftop solar power at IPs in Viet-  with individuals and organizations owning   panies, with a total capacity of 399.96 MWp.
         nam continues to face a host of difficulties.   103,509 rooftop solar systems with a total   Rooftop solar power systems with a
           Addressing a recent conference on   capacity of 9,595,853 kWp, according to   capacity of 500kWp and higher account
         “Rooftop Solar Power at IPs: Demand and   the Office of the State Steering Committee   for 76 per cent of total rooftop solar power
         Solutions for Businesses”, Mr. Nguyen Quoc   on Energy Projects. These rooftop solar   capacity. These rooftop systems are mainly
         Viet, Deputy Head of the Vietnam Institute   systems were installed based on a mech-  concentrated in Vietnam’s southern region,
         for Economic & Policy Research (VEPR),   anism encouraging the development of   with over 60 per cent, including 3.69 per
         said the opportunity remains for the instal-  solar power projects in Vietnam under   cent in Ho Chi Minh City, and the central
         lation of rooftop solar power panels on   Decision No. 13/2020 QD-TTg from the   region, with 31.96 per cent. The northern
         top of production workshops at IPs. Many   Prime Minister on encouraging rooftop   region, meanwhile, accounts for only 6.07
         businesses are also keen to use and access   solar power production.   per cent, with 0.35 per cent in Hanoi.

         18    Vietnam Economic Times    May 15, 2024                                      
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