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                                                                                 he number of newly-registered enter-
                                                                                 prises, the number of enterprises resum-
                                                                             T ing operations after a temporary sus-
         Tough times
                                                                             pension, and the number of workers registered
         Some cheer can be gleaned from business performance in              with newly-registered enterprises increased
                                                                             3.4 per cent, 2.4 per cent, and 6.8 per cent,
         the opening months of the year but there remain sizeable
                                                                             respectively, year-on-year in the first four
         obstacles to be overcome.                                           months of 2024.
                                                                               The actual business situation, however,
         By KHANH VY                                                         reveals lingering challenges and difficulties that
                                                                             continue to negatively affect the production and
                                                                             business activities of many existing enterprises.

                                                                             Investment caution remains
                                                                               Figures from the Department for Business
                                                                             Registration Management (DBRM) at the
                                                                             Ministry of Planning and Investment show
                                                                             that growth in the number of newly-registered
                                                                             enterprises declined throughout the opening
                                                                             months of the year.
                                                                               The number rose 24.8 per cent year-on-
                                                                             year in January before falling 2.8 per cent
                                                                             month-on-month in February, 0.7 per cent in
                                                                             March, and 4.1 per cent in April. The sub-
                                                                             stantial increase in January resulted in the
                                                                             total in the first four months increasing 3.4
                                                                             per cent year-on-year to 51,550.

         30    Vietnam Economic Times    May 15, 2024                                      
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