Page 19 - VET356
P. 19


         Do no harm

         Deputy Chairman and General Secretary of the Vietnam
         Fertilizer Association, Dr. Phung Ha, tells VET’s Chu Khoi
         about the fertilizer industry and its export performance
         and green transition.


         % What is the current status of fertilizer   duction by major manufacturers such as   per cent, respectively, and Malaysia, with
         production and consumption in Viet-  the Lam Thao Fertilizers and Chemicals   6.3 per cent and 5.2 per cent.
         nam?                               JSC, the Southern Fertilizer JSC, the Duc   In the current context, appropriate sup-
            Existing demand for fertilizer in the   Giang Chemicals Group, and Lao Cai   port policies are needed to boost fertilizer
         country reaches approximately 11 million   Superphosphate Apromaco Ltd is around   exports to help companies operate effectively.
         tons a year, while the industrial production   1.5-1.6 million tons annually. The pro-  However, domestic fertilizer companies are
         of fertilizers stands at about 8 million   duction of fused phosphate fertilizers from   subject to an export tariff of 5 per cent,
         tons a year. There is therefore an imbal-  the Van Dien, Ninh Binh, and Lao Cai   making it difficult to compete with similar
         ance between production and consump-  phosphate fertilizer joint stock companies,   products from other countries. Exports of
         tion. In particular, there is an oversupply   meanwhile, is estimated at over 600,000   urea fertilizers have experienced fierce com-
         of urea and potash but a shortage of other   tons a year. This results in an oversupply   petition from regional countries such as
         fertilizers such as potassium, micronu-  of 1-1.1 million tons annually.   Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei, which do
         trient fertilizers, and organic fertilizers.                          not impose a 5 per cent export tariff.
         As a result, Vietnam must import about   % Are exports considered a solution to   In late 2023, the Vietnam Fertilizer
         40 per cent of its DAP fertilizer needs   address the oversupply of urea and   Association proposed that the Ministry of
         and all potassium fertilizer.      superphosphate fertilizers?        Finance remove this export tariff on certain
            The demand for urea in domestic    Urea and superphosphate fertilizer   types of fertilizers, such as urea and super-
         agricultural production is only about   manufacturers have adopted many meas-  phosphate. The proposal was part of the
         1.6-1.8 million tons a year. However, the   ures to expand their export markets to   Association’s recommendations on a draft
         combined capacity of the four domestic   boost consumption and ensure production   decree amending and supplementing
         fertilizer plants - the Ca Mau and Phu   and trade efficiency. Figures from the   Decree No. 26/2023/ND-CP on Preferential
         My Fertilizer Plants under the Petro-  General Department of Vietnam Customs   Export Tariffs and Import Tariffs.
         Vietnam Corporation and the Ninh Binh   showed that the country imported nearly   We expect the State will reconsider
         and Ha Bac Fertilizer Plants under the   4.12 million tons of fertilizers in 2023,   preferential tax policies to promote urea
         Vietnam National Chemical Group - is   worth $1.41 billion. Meanwhile, fertilizer   exports and create fair competition
         approximately 3 million tons. At this   exports stood at nearly 1.55 million tons,   between domestic fertilizer manufacturers
         point, the domestic supply of urea far   worth $648.9 million. In the first two   and importers.
         exceeds demand.                    months of 2024, fertilizer exports rose 35
            The situation is the same for potash.   per cent in volume and 22 per cent in   % Is the fertilizer industry experiencing
         According to the Vietnam Fertilizer Asso-  value year-on-year.        any other pressure?
         ciation, the demand for superphosphate   Vietnam mainly exports fertilizers to   The greatest pressure on the fertilizer
         for direct use is estimated at about 500,000   Cambodia, which accounted for 38 per   industry is green transformation and
         tons a year and for NPK fertilizer an esti-  cent of the country’s total export volume   greenhouse gas emission reductions.
         mated 600,000 tons a year. Meanwhile,   and value in 2023. It was followed by   Agriculture is the second-highest gen-
         the total capacity of superphosphate pro-  South Korea, with 5.8 per cent and 5.4   erator of greenhouse gases, after the

         32    Vietnam Economic Times    May 15, 2024                                      
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