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                                            Suitable track

                                            Ten metro lines with a total length of more than 400 km are
                                            to be built under Hanoi’s transportation plan by 2030 with a
                                            vision to 2050, while proposals have also been made to
                                            build a new ‘trackless’ system.

                                            By TUYET NHI

                                                  rban railway networks, or metro   into being and meet transportation needs.
                                                  lines, have been built in many major
         “Hanoi needs a mixed
                                            U cities around the world and become   Metro benefits
         transportation solution. If we     a transport lifeline. Hanoi’s need to develop   The Cat Linh - Ha Dong metro line
         compare the public transport       its metro lines is becoming increasingly   has proven successful in its first two years
                                            urgent as it continues to grapple with   of operations, according to Mr. Vu Hong
         system of the city to a tree, the main
                                            rapid population growth, traffic congestion,   Truong, General Director of the Hanoi
         trunk will be developed as a metro   and environmental pollution.     Railway Ltd. Co (Hanoi Metro).
         line network, the large branches      Construction of its metro lines, however,   On average, the route transports 37,000
                                            has continually suffered from delays. Only   passengers each weekday and 22,000-
         would represent an ART system, and
                                            one line has been put into operation in   24,000 on Saturdays and Sundays, more
         the smaller branches would be the   the capital, in 2021: the 13-km Cat Linh -   than 80 per cent of whom travel with
         bus system, forming a complete     Ha Dong line. Plans are afoot, meanwhile,   monthly passes. Road congestion along
                                            to begin operations of the 8.5-km elevated   the route has eased significantly.
         transportation network. This has
                                            section of the Nhon - Hanoi Station line   Its operation has contributed to chang-
         been applied by major cities around   from the middle of this year.   ing many people’s travel habits and gradually
         the world, like Tokyo and Berlin. It   The planned construction of ten metro   built a modern public transport culture.
         still requires a bus system to fully   lines in Hanoi with a total length of 417.8   “If a million passengers switch from
                                            km is likely to experience a host challenges   personal vehicles to the metro line, this
         connect every corner and less-     in the years to come, and its master plan   would save 309,000 hours of traffic partic-
         populated areas.”                  to 2045 with a vision to 2065 adds four   ipation each day,” according to Mr. Truong.
                                            new routes, raising the total to over 600   “If these hours are instead used for pro-
         Mr. Nguyen Trong Nghia             km. Analysts believe the development of   duction or service provision, they could
         Project and Technical Support Officer,   metro lines in the capital requires stronger   generate nearly VND30 billion ($1.2 mil-
         Hunan CRRC Intelligent Transport    and more effective mechanisms, solutions,   lion) while cutting approximately 100 tons
         Technology Company
                                            and methods before they actually come   of hazardous emissions.”

         40    Vietnam Economic Times    May 15, 2024                                      
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