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                                           Slow going

                        Solutions have been forthcoming to address the host of issues that continue
                              to beset the development of Vietnam’s sustainable bond market.

                                                      By PHAN LINH

               reen bonds, social bonds, sustain-  According to Ms. Thi Bich Thao,   surpassing the 21 per cent growth in the
               able bonds, and green credit are   Deputy Secretary-General of the Vietnam   global and Eurozone markets combined.
         G viewed as the key foundations of   Bond Market Association (VBMA), sus-  Debt in ASEAN+3 members totaled $798.7
         sustainable finance and aimed at fulfilling   tainable bonds raise capital to finance   billion as of the end of last year, constituting
         the government’s commitments to the   projects and programs that benefit both   some 20 per cent of the global market.
         world regarding net-zero emissions and   the environment and society.    The trajectory of green and sustainable
         harnessing external resources to steer the                            bond development is therefore crucial in
         economy towards sustainability. However,   Green                      realizing the UN Millennium Development
         the inconsistent provision of architectural   taxonomy postponed      Goals and meeting government commit-
         blueprints, technical standards on prod-  The global and Eurozone sustainable   ments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
         ucts, and information on investor bases,   bond markets reached $4 trillion and $1.5   to net-zero. Vietnam, as one of the five
         issuing organizations, corporate gover-  trillion, respectively, as of the end of 2023,   countries most affected by climate change,
         nance culture, and transparency, among   Ms. Thao continued. In contrast, the   may see a reduction in GDP of up to 3.5
         other factors, has resulted in a slowdown   ASEAN+3 member countries saw a 29.3   per cent by 2050. The World Bank estimates
         in the flow of green capital.      per cent increase in the market last year,   that Vietnam may need additional invest-

         22    Vietnam Economic Times    May 27, 2024                                      
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