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         A clearer picture                                                     F growth stood at some 45 per cent,
                                                                                    ollowing a remarkable period from
                                                                                    2018 to 2021, when average annual
                                                                               Vietnam’s bond market then encountered
                                                                               a crisis in confidence after a series of setbacks
         VET sought the opinions of stakeholders on the role credit ratings    in 2022. New corporate bond issuances
         agencies may play in ensuring information disclosure and putting      stalled during the course of the year, and
         Vietnam’s bond market back on the right track.                        this persisted into the first half of 2023.
                                                                                  Due to government support measures,
                                                                               however, the country’s bond market expe-
                                                                               rienced something of a recovery in the
                                                                               latter months of 2023, though previous
                                                                               levels are still to be restored.
                                                                                  Corporate bonds continue to entail
                                                                               risks in terms of quality, and an anticipated
                                                                               significant change in the total value of
                                                                               public issuances is yet to materialize. To
                                                                               foster the advancement of a high-caliber
                                                                               bond market to serve as a long-term capital
                                                                               mobilization channel for businesses and
                                                                               an enticing investment option for investors,
                                                                               credit ratings have emerged as a key solu-
                                                                               tion in the eyes of many stakeholders.

         24    Vietnam Economic Times    May 27, 2024                                      
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