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                                                                                                        PHOTO: VIET TUAN
         Bold approach

         Vietnamese digital technology enterprises are undertaking
         the mission of actively participating in the country’s industrialization
         and modernization through innovating ‘Make in Vietnam’ products.

         | By PHUONG ANH

               t the recent fifth National Forum   trap, realizing the ambition of a powerful   the sector. “Developing the digital economy,
               on Digital Enterprises Development   and prosperous Vietnam.    particularly digital applications and trans-
         A 2023 (VFTE 2023), with the theme                                    formation across industries, is crucial,”
         “Innovating Digital Applications for Eco-  BOOSTING ‘MAKE IN VIETNAM’   Minister Hung emphasized. “Digital tech-
         nomic Development - Driving Economic   TECH PRODUCTS                  nology enterprises will play a key role in
         Growth and Labor Productivity”, Minister   According to the Ministry of Information   this. Developing digital applications for
         of Information and Communications Nguyen   and Communications (MoIC), over the   industries is also synonymous with inno-
         Manh Hung acknowledged the encouraging   past four years, the number of digital tech-  vating ‘Made in Vietnam’ products. There-
         growth of Vietnam’s digital technology   nology businesses in Vietnam has increased   fore, digital technology enterprises must
         industry over the past four years. Since the   30 per cent, while revenue in the digital   view this as a research and development
         inception of the National Forum in 2019,   technology industry has risen 32 per cent   activity. They also need to enter into various
         the digital technology enterprise community   and the proportion of “Made in Vietnam”   industries to create digital applications,
         in Vietnam has been entrusted with the   products in the industry rose from 21 per   facilitating digital transformation and eco-
         mission of “Make in Vietnam”: researching   cent in 2019 to 29 per cent in 2023. Specif-  nomic development across sectors. This
         in Vietnam, innovating in Vietnam, pro-  ically, software production for foreign mar-  process aligns with the country’s industri-
         ducing in Vietnam, and contributing to   kets experienced growth of 43 per cent,   alization and modernization.”
         lifting Vietnam out of the middle-income   with over 1,400 businesses operating in   In keeping with digital transformation

         30  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  JANUARY 2024                                     
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