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                                                                               garments. Additionally, we see growing
                                                                               interest from a diverse number of investors.
          LASTING ALLURE                                                       In addition to traditional investors like
                                                                               those from Japan, South Korea, and Sin-
                                                                               gapore, Vietnam is also seeing increased
                                                                               interest among investors from China,
          2023 was certainly a problematic year for most businesses in Vietnam
                                                                               Europe, and the US, diversifying its sources
                                                                               of FDI. Another plus is the strong focus
          but the country’s outlook remains quite positive for foreign investors.
            MS. VIVIE WEI                                                      on sustainability. Vietnam is actively pro-
            Country Director, Dezan Shira & Associates Vietnam.                moting green investments in areas like
                                                                               renewable energy and sustainable infra-
                                                                               structure, which are expected to attract
                                                                               tremendous FDI participation connected
                                                                               to the government’s master plan to shift
                                                                               towards a greener economy.
                                                                                  Based on our observations and the
                                                                               demand we see from our clients, the fol-
                                                                               lowing five sectors have the potential to
                                                                               attract significant FDI inflows in the
                                                                               year ahead.
                                                                                  High-Tech Manufacturing: The global
                                                                               demand for electronics, semiconductors,
                                                                               and other high-tech products is expected
                                                                               to remain strong, creating opportunities
                                                                               for Vietnam to attract investments in
               ietnam’s economic growth in 2023   economy still recorded positive growth   these sectors. The Vietnamese Government
               has been a mixed bag. Despite the   in 2023, demonstrating resilience and   is actively promoting the development of
         V challenges, the economy has shown   offering solid prospects for future growth.   high-tech industries through targeted
         resilience. The government’s timely policy   Moreover, Vietnam has signed numerous   policies and investments in infrastructure
         interventions and the country’s strong fun-  free trade agreements, including the Com-  and research and development.
         damentals helped mitigate the impact of   prehensive and Progressive Agreement   Renewable Energy:  The global shift
         global headwinds. The economy is expected   for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)   towards renewable energy sources presents
         to grow at a moderate 4.7 per cent in 2023   and the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agree-  significant opportunities for Vietnam,
         and gradually accelerate in the years to   ment (EUVFTA), which provide access   which has abundant potential for solar,
         come. However, continued vigilance is   to large markets and reduce trade barriers   wind, and biomass energy. The government
         needed to address internal constraints and   for foreign businesses.   has ambitious targets for renewable energy
         adapt to external fluctuations.      Secondly, I would mention a competi-  development and has implemented sup-
                                            tive investment climate with favorable   portive policies like feed-in tariffs to attract
         APPEAL AMONG FOREIGN               government policies. The Vietnamese   investment. With an increasing focus on
         INVESTORS                          Government has implemented several   sustainability, the demand for clean energy
           FDI inflows increased 7.7 per cent in   policies to attract foreign investment, such   is rapidly growing in Vietnam, creating a
         the first nine months of 2023, expressing   as tax incentives, land allocation support,   strong domestic market for renewable
         continued investor confidence in Vietnam’s   and streamlined administrative proce-  energy producers.
         economy. The country recorded a trade   dures. Infrastructure is improving grad-  Digital Economy: Vietnam’s digital econ-
         surplus of over $24.6 billion in the first   ually, with the government making sig-  omy is rapidly expanding, driven by factors
         nine months, indicating strong export   nificant investments in infrastructure   like e-commerce, fintech, and online serv-
         performance. However, domestic issues   development and improving connectivity   ices. The government actively supports the
         like infrastructure bottlenecks, adminis-  and logistics, which benefit foreign busi-  development of the digital economy through
         trative burdens, and labor shortages may   nesses operating in Vietnam.    initiatives like the National Digital Trans-
         also hinder economic growth.         An increasingly high-quality workforce,   formation Program. In addition, Vietnam
           While global economic headwinds could   consisting of a young and growing popu-  has a young and tech-savvy population,
         pose challenges in the future, Vietnam’s   lation with a strong work ethic and increas-  creating a large consumer base for digital
         strong foundation and proactive policies   ing skill levels, makes Vietnam an attractive   products and services and attracting
         position it favorably to maintain its appeal   destination for labor-intensive industries.   investors to cater to this growing demand.
         among foreign investors in the long term.   Its young professionals have a strong com-  Healthcare: Vietnam’s healthcare sector
         Several key factors contributed to the con-  mitment to learning and improving their   is undergoing rapid expansion, driven by
         tinued strength of FDI in Vietnam in 2023.   skills and are willing to adapt to difficulties   rising incomes and an aging population.
           First and foremost, Vietnam offers   to master any crisis.          This creates significant investment oppor-
         strong economic fundamentals.        Finally, one should mention the increas-  tunities in hospitals, medical equipment,
           The government has maintained a sta-  ing diversification of FDI sources. We can   and pharmaceutical production. The gov-
         ble macro-economic environment with   see a shift to higher value investments.   ernment is increasing its investment in
         low inflation and a manageable public   Vietnam is increasingly attracting invest-  healthcare infrastructure and encouraging
         debt, which despite the global economic   ments in high-tech sectors like electronics,   private sector participation in the sector.
         uncertainties has instilled confidence in   semiconductors, and renewable energy,   Despite recent growth, Vietnam’s health-
         foreign investors. While the economic   signifying a move away from purely labor-  care sector still offers significant untapped
         growth rate was slower than in 2022, the   intensive industries such as textiles and   potential for investors seeking to partici-

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