Page 12 - VET350
P. 12


                                                                              % What are the challenges in Vietnam’s
                                                                              business environment for foreign
                                                                                 Foreign investors think there is still
                                                                              too much red tape and bureaucracy. The
                                                                              cost of capital is high, as global interest
                                                                              rates remain high. Vietnam has to compete
                                                                              as a destination for FDI from many other
                                                                              parts of the world, like Mexico in the
                                                                              North American market and parts of east-
                                                                              ern Europe in main EU markets. In the
          CATALYSTS                                                           past, it has done well by establishing
                                                                              bilateral and multilateral free trade agree-
                                                                              ments, but all countries need to make
          FOR GROWTH                                                          the choice to relocate to their particular
                                                                              country as easy and as painless as possible
                                                                              to continue to succeed.

          Mr. Craig Martin, Chairman of Dynam Capital, shares                 %  What should the Vietnamese Gov-
          his thoughts on Vietnam’s economy and investment                    ernment do to attract more foreign
                                                                           PHOTO: VIET TUAN  Vietnam should make its rules and
          environment with VET.                                               investment?

                                                                              regulations easy to understand. The coun-
                                                                              try would benefit by opening up more
        % What do you think about Vietnam’s   investors continued to deploy funds to   sectors to foreign investors, and also to
        economic growth in 2023?           renewable energy like solar and wind and   continue to energize the growth of domestic
          2023 was a challenging year globally,   also to lower-carbon energy projects,   capital markets, providing clearer guide-
        and Vietnam experienced the conse-  including LNG.                    lines to bond market participants and
        quences of being a big trading nation:                                helping to level the playing field for foreign
        weaker exports in the first half of the   %  What sectors do you think will be   investors in the stock market.
        year resulting in low productivity in fac-  magnets for FDI in Vietnam this year?
        tories, and that impacted livelihoods and   I think there will be further investments   % Vietnam has set an economic growth
        consumption in the domestic economy.   in renewable energy, despite falling rev-  target of 6-6.5 per cent in 2024. Do you
        Despite the challenges, the country man-  enues from lower pricing and in some   think this is feasible?
        aged to post an overall strong trade surplus   cases rising costs. However, I think invest-  Forecasting GDP growth can always
        and a record level of disbursed FDI.   ments in technology will continue to grow.   be challenging. GDP growth in Vietnam
                                           On the technology front, there could be a   has averaged between 6 and 6.5 per cent
        % Foreign businesses and investment   renewed push for the development of AI,   per annum over the past 30 years. 2023
        funds continue to consider Vietnam a   which will be largely software driven, and   was a difficult year, with the ongoing mil-
        reliable destination, and FDI commit-  also for developing part of the ecosystem   itary conflict in Ukraine, the escalation of
        ments and disbursement remained    for semiconductor assembly and testing,   risk in the Middle East, and uncertainties
        robust in 2023. Why do you think FDI   which is hardware driven.      over global inflation and interest rate tra-
        to Vietnam remained robust last year?   We may be seeing the start of a replace-  jectories. We must also bear in mind the
          Previous commitments by multina-  ment cycle globally for IT goods that were   impact of El Nino and other weather and
        tionals to shift some of their global man-  in demand during the pandemic, such as   climate effects. The Asian Development
        ufacturing from China, in an attempt to   headphones, cameras, tablets, smart-  Bank (ADB) has forecast 6 per cent GDP
        de-risk their supply chains, led to a con-  phones, and laptops, and that could help   growth in Vietnam in 2024, which may
        tinued flow of FDI into Vietnam. Also,   improve productivity levels and also pro-  be achievable after the weaker conditions
        with the transition to a greener economy,   vide a catalyst for expansion of factories.   faced in 2023. %
                                                       JANUARY 2024  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  17
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