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         During his talks in Hanoi on December 12 with General Secretary   nerships in economics, trade, and investment
         of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and President   in a more sustainable and deeper manner.
         of China Xi Jinping, who was in Vietnam paying a State visit from   Following the talks, the two leaders witnessed
         December 12-13, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong said   the signing of 36 cooperative documents
         Vietnam considers developing relations with China a top priority   between ministries, agencies, and localities in the two countries.
         and strategic choice. President Xi, for his part, affirmed that China   In the Vietnam - China joint statement issued on December 13,
         attaches great importance to relations with Vietnam, considering   the two sides agreed “to build a Vietnam-China Community with
         it a priority in China’s foreign policy in the neighborhood. The two   a Shared Future having strategic significance and exert efforts for
         sides agreed to continually consolidate mutual political trust,   the happiness of the two peoples and for the cause of peace and
         strengthen defense and security cooperation, and promote part-  progress of mankind.”

                                    VIETNAM AMONG COUNTRIES POSTING HIGHEST RATES            ECONOMIC GROWTH
                           The Vietnam News Agency on December 20   the article, with an average real GDP growth rate of 6.1 per cent
                           quoted Yahoo Finance as reporting that Viet-  during the 2012-2022 period, Vietnam ranked among nations with
                           nam, together with China and some other   the highest economic growth. Its agriculture sector greatly supports
                           Asian countries and territories, is among 20   the economy by contributing to GDP as well as employment. Vietnam’s
         nations seeing the fastest economic growth over the last decade. In a   agriculture, forestry and fisheries exports reached $53.22 billion for
         recent article, Yahoo Finance’s website sourced data from the Inter-  the first time in 2022, up 9.3 per cent against 2021. As a result, its agri-
         national Monetary Fund (IMF) on growth in real GDP for all countries   culture sector posted a trade surplus of $8.5 billion, accounting for
         over the last ten years to average real GDP growth rates. According to   over 75 per cent of the country’s total trade surplus in the year.

           FOREIGN TRADE                     RECORD SURPLUS POSTED
         According to a report presented at a teleconference held by the   Director of the MoIT’s Agency for Foreign
         Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) on December 20, Vietnam   Trade Tran Duy Dong said exports showed
         recorded a trade surplus of $26 billion in 2023, nearly triple the   signs of recovery at the end of 2023, and
         figure in 2022 and the highest on record. It shipped $354.5 billion   he relishes the better prospects ahead in
         worth of products last year, down 4.6 per cent year-on-year, with   2024 on the back of existing free trade agreements (FTAs) and the
         33 items recording export turnover in excess of $1 billion in the   conclusion of negotiations and implementation of trade deals
         first eleven months, of which seven posted turnover in excess of   with new markets such as Israel and the United Arab Emirates.
         $10 billion, accounting for 66 per cent of total turnover. Farm   He emphasized that sound political relations with trade partners
         produce was among the key exports, while processed industrial   such as China, the EU, and the US will create a foundation for
         products accounted for 85 per cent of export turnover. General   Vietnam to expand its economic, trade, and investment cooperation.

                                  SUPPORT FUND FOR FOREIGN INVESTORS TO BE SET UP           GLOBAL MINIMUM TAX

                           The National Assembly (NA) approved a   four consecutive years. Investors subject to the tax will have to pay
                           resolution on November 29 on applying   the GMT in Vietnam. It is estimated that more than 120 MNEs in
                           additional corporate income taxes in accor-  the country will be affected. Vietnam will, however, set up a support
                           dance with the Global Anti-Base Erosion   fund to encourage and attract strategic investors and multi-national
         Rules, known as the Global Minimum Tax (GMT). Under the reso-  groups and maintain its appeal as an FDI destination. The 15th
         lution, which takes effect from January 1, 2024, a GMT rate of 15   NA asked the government to build a draft decree on the establishment,
         per cent will apply to multinational enterprises (MNEs) with   management, and use of a fund to support investment to stabilize
         revenue exceeding €750 million ($800 million) or more in two of   the investment climate and attract strategic investors and MNEs.

         A ceremony was held in the Mekong Delta’s Hau Giang province   livelihoods of rice farmers, protect the envi-
         on December 12 to launch a project on developing 1 million ha of   ronment, adapt to climate change, reduce
         high-quality, low-emissions rice linked with green growth in the   greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute
         Mekong Delta region by 2030. Under the project, greenhouse gas   to the implementation of Vietnam’s inter-
         emissions from rice farming are expected to be cut by more than   national commitments. Speaking at the ceremony, Minister of
         10 per cent and low-emissions, high-quality rice will account for   Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan said that
         over 20 per cent of total exports from the Delta, which is a   implementation will include experimental trials of new policies,
         specialized rice farming region. One million ha of high-quality   including paying carbon credits based on performance, focusing
         and low-emissions rice cultivation area will be established, in   on low-emissions production tied to green growth, and developing
         association with the restructuring of the production network along   an agricultural economy with a circular approach. Ms. Carolyn
         the value chain and the application of sustainable farming practices   Turk, Country Director of the World Bank (WB) in Vietnam, said
         to increase the value and sustainability of the rice industry, improve   the WB is committed to accompanying and supporting the Viet-
         the efficiency of production and business, boost the incomes and   namese Government in implementing the project.

         20  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  JANUARY 2024                                     
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