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         Courage of their convictions

         The growing confidence among foreign investors was evident
         in the volume of FDI disbursement in the opening four months
         of the year, which hit a five-year record

         By ANH NHI

              n estimated $6.28 billion in FDI   alone, disbursement rose 9.6 per cent year-  This “leap” in newly-registered capital
              capital was disbursed in the first   on-year, demonstrating that Vietnam   is not at all surprising, as groups from
         A four months of 2024, a year-on-  remains an attractive destination for foreign   countries such as the US, China, South
         year increase of 7.4 per cent and a five-  investors due to its prospects for economic   Korea, and Japan paid working visits to
         year record for any four-month period,   growth and business opportunities.   Vietnam in 2023 and early 2024 in search
         figures from the General Statistics Office   Foreign investor confidence is not only   of opportunities in manufacturing and
         (GSO) show.                        shown in the volume of FDI disbursement.   processing and high-technology, according
                                            GSO figures also reveal a strong increase   to Mr. Nguyen Van Toan, Deputy Chairman
         Rapid increase in new capital      in newly-registered capital in the opening   of Vietnam’s Association of Foreign Invested
            Disbursement of FDI in the first four   four months of the year. As of April 20,   Enterprises (VAFIE). Many projects were
         months between 2020 and 2024 stood at   966 new FDI projects had been granted   granted investment licenses directly as a
         $5.15 billion, $5.5 billion, $5.92 billion,   investment licenses this year, with total   result of these visits.
         $5.85 billion, and $6.28 billion, respectively.   capital of $7.11 billion, up 28.8 per cent   Total newly-registered capital, addi-
            The figure has risen by a stable 7-10   in number and 73.2 per cent in value   tional capital, and capital contributed to
         per cent since early this year. In January   year-on-year.            purchase shares or buy capital contributed

         38    Vietnam Economic Times    May 15, 2024                                      
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