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         Focus on fine-tuning
         Problems surrounding the development of Vietnam’s corporate
         bond market are to be addressed under recent new planning.
         By MINH CHAU

              he Ministry of Finance (MoF) has   geted to come through government bonds.   bond forward contracts, elevating invest-
              recently disclosed plans to coordinate   The issuance of corporate bonds, mean-  ment thresholds for funds above 10 per
         T with various ministries and sectors   while, hinges on the long-term capital   cent, specifying audit requirements for
         on introducing cohesive strategies during   requirements of businesses and demand   credit institutions post-issuance, asset val-
         2024 to stabilize and perfect Vietnam’s   among investors.            uation methodologies on corporate bonds,
         corporate bond market. This endeavor                                  and the selection of domestic and inter-
         would involve refining the legal framework,   Seeking                 national credit rating agencies.
         strengthening infrastructure, and fostering   sustainable growth         In response, regulatory bodies reaf-
         a more sustainable investor base.     Insights shared at the Conference on   firmed their commitment to managing,
            Vietnam’s economic landscape in 2024   the Implementation of Bond Market Activ-  operating, and nurturing the bond market
         brings with it a multitude of challenges.   ities in 2024, held recently in Hanoi by   sustainably, securely, and robustly. The
         With several macro-economic indicators   the Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX), under-  MoF pledged to collaborate with relevant
         posing significant obstacles, there is a   scored stakeholders’ interest in new prod-  ministries to enact cohesive measures
         pressing need for State budget mobilization   ucts, investment rules, and bond trading   aimed at stabilizing and advancing the
         totaling VND655 trillion ($25.74 billion),   regulations. This would encompass ini-  corporate bond market, with a focus on
         with VND400 trillion ($15.72 billion) tar-  tiatives such as introducing government   refining legal frameworks, enhancing infra-

         36    Vietnam Economic Times    May 27, 2024                                      
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