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        Reflecting performance
        Stock prices have moved up and down in response
        to businesses releasing their Q1 results.
        By KIEU TRANG

              here were a number of positive                                      The increase in after-tax profits in
              indicators noted in many of the                                  the retail sector was primarily driven by
         T business reports for the first quarter   In the opening quarter of 2024, non-  MWG’s unexpected profitability, which
         of 2024 released to date. According to   financial sectors saw a sharper increase in   was supported by robust revenue growth
         the latest data from stock market infor-  after-tax profits than financial sectors, rising   despite reduced store counts, particularly
         mation and analysis platform FiinTrade,   34.3 per cent compared to 13.1 per cent.   in the Dien May Xanh chain. This growth
         as of May 5, 1,036 of the 1,641 listed   Within the financial sector, the secu-  was further buoyed by improved EBIT
         companies, representing 97.7 per cent of   rities industry experienced a notable profit   (earnings before interest and taxes) mar-
         total market capitalization across Viet-  surge of 126.5 per cent, contrasting with   gins resulting from operational cost
         nam’s three stock exchanges, had disclosed   modest growth in banking, of 9.6 per cent,   reductions and income from deposits
         their first-quarter financial results. Overall   which was attributed to low credit expan-  and bond investments.
         after-tax profits are on the rise, albeit   sion and increased credit risk provisions.   Aviation led the non-financial sectors
         slowly. Total after-tax profits of those   In non-financial sectors, retail exhibited   in profit growth, with a remarkable 1962.7
         1,036 listed companies increased 21.5   remarkable after-tax profit growth of 227.5   per cent year-on-year increase, largely
         per cent year-on-year, significantly lower   per cent, alongside basic resources, with   due to debt write-offs in Pacific Airlines,
         than the 56.6 per cent growth posted in   222.2 per cent, construction materials   a subsidiary of Vietnam Airlines. The oil
         the fourth quarter of 2023.        with 122.1 per cent, and fertilizers.   and gas sector also witnessed significant

         34   Vietnam Economic Times    May 27, 2024                                       
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