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                                                                               nesses also need to pay attention to the
                                                                               social environment. Major companies have
                                                                               come to recognize that promoting ESG
                                                                               measures is essential for sustainable devel-
                                                                               opment, offering long-term benefits to
                                                                               both shareholders and local communities.
                                                                               ESG criteria have therefore become key
                                                                               considerations when investment decisions
                                                                               are being made. “Major enterprises all inte-
                                                                               grate ESG criteria into their development
                                                                               processes, as it has become mandatory for
                                                                               those hoping to be in business for the long
                                                                               haul,” Deputy Minister Ngoc emphasized.
                                                                                  Many of Vietnam’s significant trade
                                                                               partners and investors are now imposing
                                                                               stringent conditions in this regard. For
                                                                               instance, countries and territories across
                                                                               Asia, like Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong
                                                                               (China), and the Philippines, stipulate that
                                                                               publicly-traded entities disclose their ESG
                                                                               performance or adhere to sustainability
                                                                               reporting requirements. China is also poised
                                                                               to implement similar policies targeting pub-
                                                                               licly-traded entities in the near term. Beyond
                                                                               national regulations, many international
                                                                               agencies regard ESG as pivotal when con-
                                                                               templating collaborative agreements.
                                                                                  Mr. Patrick Haverman, Deputy Resi-
                                                                               dent Representative for the UNDP in Viet-
                                                                               nam, noted that meeting ESG criteria cre-
                                                                               ates long-term value through efficiency
                                                                               improvements, employee benefits, and
                                                                               improved labor policies. Upgrading ESG
                                                                               practices can also enhance a company’s
                                                                               access to international markets and sus-
         Beyond mere obligation                                                tainable finance. The EU, in particular, is
                                                                               implementing stricter sustainability
                                                                               requirements and disclosures for busi-
                                                                               nesses, including regulations directly related
         Integrating ESG practices into operations can not only
                                                                               to corporate sustainability reporting and
         alter the way businesses are created and managed but                  practices. For businesses wishing to export
         also the way they are perceived in the marketplace.                   to the bloc, sustainability and labor rights
                                                                               provisions are included in free trade agree-
                                                                               ments, such as the Comprehensive and
         By LINH TONG
                                                                               Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific
                                                                               Partnership (CPTPP). Similarly, the UK
                                                                               emphasizes ESG practices and has aligned
            mplementing environmental, social,   affirmed that major enterprises are inte-  them with sustainable development goals.
            governance (ESG) criteria, introducing   grating ESG criteria into their development
         I sustainable business models, and work-  processes and this is now mandatory for   Breaking
         ing towards green growth have become   businesses if they hope to succeed in a   down barriers
         almost mandatory in the modern world,   sustainable manner.              According to Mr. Haverman, in Viet-
         and many of Vietnam’s major trading and   According to the Deputy Minister, pro-  nam, where greater attention is being paid
         investment partners have adopted strict   moting green growth has become a pressing   to ESG by the media, the government,
         requirements on such matters. ESG has   need, a driving force of economic growth,   and businesses, the concept has found a
         actually become self-imposed criteria at   and a key factor in enhancing national   place within the National Green Growth
         many companies thanks to government   competitiveness amid international inte-  Strategy and National Climate Change
         efforts and the rising prerequisites of investors   gration. On the journey towards green   Strategy, supporting private sector enter-
         when it comes to sustainable development.   growth, ESG criteria serve as the standard   prises and sustainable businesses. However,
                                            for measuring and evaluating an enterprise’s   many frameworks and guidelines suggest
         Mandatory                          sustainable development. Post-pandemic,   that the actual level of ESG practices is
         requirements                       ESG stocks have continued to perform   still quite low in the country. A report
            Addressing the “ESG - Motivations   well, and many economists view such cri-  from the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce
         and Breakthroughs” conference on May   teria as a new element of corporate social   and Industry (VCCI) found that 80 per
         23 in Hanoi, Deputy Minister of Planning   responsibility (CSR) efforts.   cent of local businesses have made ESG
         and Investment Nguyen Thi Bich Ngoc   In addition to the bottom line, busi-  commitments or plan to do so in the near

         32    Vietnam Economic Times    May 27, 2024                                      
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