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         Driven by data

         Vietnam’s internet data center market has substantial
         potential for growth as digital transformation takes hold.
         | By LINH NGOC

              he Vietnam Posts and Telecommu-  opportunities to cooperate with partners   more than 13,000 sq m with 1,200 racks.
              nications Group (VNPT) officially   and investors to build new regional and   Viettel also announced a plan last year
         T opened its eighth internet data cen-  world-class data centers using green and   to build a large data center in Hoc Mon
         ter (IDC) at the Hoa Lac Hi-Tech Park in   sustainable technology.”   and Cu Chi districts, Ho Chi Minh City,
         Hanoi in October. With a total usable area                            with total investment of VND6 trillion
         of up to 23,000 sq m of floor space, VNPT   GROWING COMPETITION       ($250 million). In its planning to 2025, it
         IDC Hoa Lac has some 2,000 racks, making   Vietnam’s IDC market has witnessed a   will expand the center’s scale to 17,000
         it the largest in Vietnam today. It will be   race between many local technology and   racks, and in the roadmap to 2030 invest-
         the safest choice for data of international   telecommunications businesses over the   ment will be increased to VND40 trillion
         brands, large economic corporations,   past few years.                ($1.6 billion) to grow to 34,000 racks.
         organizations, and businesses undertaking   At the end of 2022, the VNG Joint Stock   Vietnam currently has 29 data centers
         the digital transformation journey.   Company put into operation a new data   from eight providers, according to the Author-
           Mr. Huynh Quang Liem, General Director   center at the Tan Thuan Export Processing   ity of Telecommunications at the Ministry
         of the VNPT Group, said that with IDC Hoa   Zone in Ho Chi Minh City, on 7,800 sq m   of Information and Communications (MoIC).
         Lac, it now has eight data centers in major   and with a total floor area of 12,400 sq m.   It is expected that tech enterprises such as
         cities and provinces around Vietnam, includ-  The VNG Data Center will initially provide   Viettel, VNPT, and CMC will put many new
         ing Hanoi, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh City.   410 rack cabinets (server installation cabi-  IDCs into operation over the next two or
           “IDC Hoa Lac is the largest and most   nets), then expand to 1,600 rack cabinets to   three years. VNPT has a plan to build and
         modern such center in Vietnam, capable   quickly respond to expected strong growth   transform so that from now to 2025 a new
         of providing the most advanced data serv-  from the digital transformation process.   IDC will be built each year. It expects that
         ices, and is ready to meet the ‘tailored’   Prior to that, in August 2022, the CMC   one will be put into operation in Ho Chi
         requirements of all customer segments   Corporation put its CMC Data Center Tan   Minh City by the end of this year and, in
         domestically and internationally,” he said.   Thuan in District 7, Ho Chi Minh City,   2025, will launch the second phase of its
         “The VNPT Group will continue to seek   into operation, which has a total area of   IDC in Tan Thuan district.

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