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         Platform for                                                          to leverage more positive policies and eco-
                                                                               nomic news. The next two years are antic-
                                                                               ipated to be an exciting period for real
         prosperity                                                            estate M&A activities in Vietnam. Region-
                                                                               ally, there has been a significant decline in
                                                                               real estate transactions, leaving substantial
                                                                               capital available for investment. Despite
                                                                               high interest rates, the growth prospects
         An improved legal framework for real estate                           and comparatively higher yields in Vietnam
         should help M&A deals in the sector grow.                             remain attractive to foreign capital.
                                                                               Throughout 2023, Savills has continued
                                                                                to receive strong enquiries from investors
          Mr. Neil MacGregor
                                                                                seeking to invest in Vietnamese real estate.
          Managing Director of Savills Vietnam
                                                                                Given the scarcity of residential supply,
                                                                                any investor successfully bringing a project
                                                                                to market is likely to tap into strong under-
                                                                               lying demand, especially if targeting owner-
                                                                               occupiers in the growing middle class. In
                                                                               Ho Chi Minh City, continued robust per-
                                                                               formance, despite new Grade A supply,
                                                                               means opportunities persist for office
                                                                               investors and developers. Those delivering
                                                                               or repositioning office buildings with green
                                                                               credentials will attract a rental premium.
                                                                                  Real estate investors in Vietnam must
                                                                               overcome bureaucratic hurdles, particularly
                                                                               in settling land use fees. However, the pro-
                                                                               posed changes to the Land Law are likely
                                                                               to expedite processes, making housing
                                                                               more accessible for buyers, while generating
                                                                               much-needed revenue for developers.
                                                                                  Investors now exercise extreme caution
                                                                               regarding the legal ownership of projects,
                                                                               ensuring a clear pathway for necessary
                                                                               government approvals for development.
                                                                               Land use fee settlement and approval of
               ietnam’s real estate market was   strong demographics, and a genuine need   1/500 master plans are crucial for resi-
               pressured by global and local chal-  for housing. Government efforts over the   dential development projects. The scarcity
         V lenges in 2023, including high   past two years have made progress in man-  of projects with clear legal ownership and
         interest rates and inflation. Delays in proj-  aging and addressing these issues, instilling   the necessary approvals challenge investors
         ect approval and a lack of new launches   confidence that it will continue working   looking to enter, resulting in a credit
         affected sentiment, but robust demand   toward a better future.       crunch as banks struggle to secure collateral
         persisted, driven by urbanization. The   Office markets in Ho Chi Minh City   for lending to real estate projects. Uncer-
         market remained resilient, however, and   have defied global trends, maintaining   tainty around the completion of key infra-
         is poised for increased real estate merger   strong occupancy rates and steady rental   structure projects adds complexity to deter-
         and acquisition (M&A) activity over the   growth. The city’s office market stands out   mining the optimal timing for real estate
         next two years.                    as one of the best performers in the Asia-  project development.
                                            Pacific region, with green credentials ben-  While changes in the legal framework
         RESILIENCE AMID CHALLENGES         efiting premier office buildings and ensuring   have yet to be fully implemented, local
           Vietnam’s real estate sector has weath-  high take-up rates and rental premiums.   authorities remain cautious in their exe-
         ered global economic pressures and Viet-  According to Savills’ ESG Vietnam   cution. Until there are tangible changes
         nam-specific issues during 2023. The high   Report 2023, 20 office buildings in Vietnam   and progress in land use fee settlement
         interest rate environment globally has   have LEED or Green Mark certification.   and the issuance of land use right certifi-
         exerted significant pressure on the world   Seventeen are in Ho Chi Minh City, and   cates, completing M&A activities will
         economy, fostering uncertainty among   account for approximately 25 per cent of   remain challenging. A notable example is
         investors. Elevated inflation has strained   existing office stock, which will rise to 31   for condotel products, where local author-
         household spending, which coupled with   per cent by 2026. While hospitality initially   ities remain hesitant to issue titles for proj-
         high inventory levels have seen manufac-  faced a slow recovery, it is now gaining   ects, despite recent clarifications in the
         turing orders soften, directly impacting   momentum, with hotel performance in   legal framework.
         Vietnam’s key growth sector.       Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City returning to   Vietnam’s economic fundamentals are
           Ongoing delays in residential project   pre-Covid levels.           strong, driven by attractive demographics,
         approvals have resulted in fewer project                              infrastructure development, urbanization,
         launches, impacting sentiment in residential   M&A ACTIVITIES: CHALLENGES,    strong FDI flows, and a rapidly-growing
         market. However, underlying demand   OPPORTUNITIES, GROWTH            middle class. If the legal framework permits,
         remains robust, particularly in the owner-  Despite the challenges, the market has   real estate M&A activity is expected to
         occupier sentiment, driven by urbanization,   displayed significant resilience and is poised   boom over the next two to three years. %

         40  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  DECEMBER 2023                                    
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