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                                                                               times. The PwC report indicates that while
                                                                               governance remains a key focus in the
                                                                               ESG strategies of businesses in Vietnam,
                                                                               there is a growing emphasis on environ-
                                                                               mental and social issues.
                                                                                  Vietnam is among the countries most
                                                                               vulnerable to climate change, and is projected
                                                                               to suffer a loss of $523 billion by 2050.
                                                                                  Consequently, the establishment of
                                                                               green finance plays a crucial role in pro-
                                                                               moting sustainable development. Moreover,
                                                                               there are significant market opportunities
                                                                               in this endeavor, offering benefits to com-
                                                                               panies such as access to green bonds and
                                                                               investment from environmentally-con-
                                                                               scious investors.
                                                                                  However, a lack of knowledge is the
                                                                               primary obstacle preventing businesses
                                                                               from making ESG commitments. There is
                                                                               much work to be done in terms of adapting
                                                                               stakeholder management and disseminat-
                                                                               ing ESG knowledge within organizations.
                                                                                  Furthermore, businesses must integrate
                                                                               their ESG strategies into their overall
                                                                               ecosystem, particularly in relation to exist-
                                                                               ing risk practices. When asked about
                                                                               incorporating ESG factors into their risk
                                                                               frameworks, the majority of businesses
                                                                               surveyed for the report (67 per cent) said
                                                                               they have faced challenges due to the
                                                                               absence of transparent regulations.
                                                                                  The collection, management, and uti-
                                                                               lization of ESG data for risk modeling
                                                                               also present significant challenges. A major-
                                                                               ity of businesses (71 per cent) expressed a
                                                                               lack of understanding regarding the data
                                                                               required for reporting purposes.
                                                                                  Upon further examination of companies
                                                                               in the planning stage, it becomes evident
                                                                            PHOTO: VIET TUAN
                                                                               that the majority of public limited compa-
                                                                               nies (PLCs) in Vietnam (58 per cent, and
          PACE & DIRECTION                                                     greater than in FDI and private businesses),
                                                                               demonstrate a high level of commitment.
                                                                                  In order to facilitate the adoption of
                                                                               ESG practices by businesses, there is a
          The PwC ESG Readiness in Vietnam Report determined the degree        pressing need for enhanced guidance and
          of work companies in Vietnam have undertaken in regard to ESG        policies in the field. The absence of trans-
          practices and strategies.                                            parent regulations was cited as the top
                                                                               challenge by 67 per cent of respondents.
                                                                               However, businesses should prioritize the
           By PHAM HAI AU                                                      need to bridge the knowledge gap, given
           Director, Risk Assurance Services, PwC Vietnam
                                                                               that knowledge serves as a significant
                                                                               barrier. PwC’s findings indicate a necessity
                                                                               to enhance the understanding of ESG
                                                                               matters among Board Members. However,
               ccording to the PwC ESG Readi-  the COP26 conference in 2021, which it   companies in Vietnam are not prioritizing
               ness in Vietnam Report, some 80   has further emphasized since. It has also   the training required to increase their
         A per cent of businesses have either   introduced various strategies and laws to   confidence levels.
         made commitments to environmental,   boost environmental protection, facilitate   Undoubtedly, boards that prioritize
         social, governance (ESG) practices or have   the transition to green technologies,   ESG initiatives play a crucial role in driving
         plans to do so in the near future. This   develop electric energy plans, measure   impactful ESG strategies within their
         trend is primarily driven by the changing   greenhouse gas emissions, promote a cir-  organizations. Therefore, it is essential for
         expectations of consumers, employees,   cular economy, and enforce regulations   boards to possess strong capabilities in
         and investors. At the global level, Vietnam   on the responsibilities of manufacturers.   ESG topics to fulfill their governance and
         has made significant commitments to   There has been a clear and rapid increase   oversight responsibilities. According to
         tackling climate change, particularly at   in ESG awareness and initiatives in recent   the PwC survey, nearly one-third of respon-

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