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                                                                                                        PHOTO: VIET TUAN
                             Essential measure

                          Developing a circular economy is the most suitable approach for Vietnam
                            to achieve its sustainable development and green development goals.
                                                     | By PHUONG NHI

               eputy Prime Minister Tran Hong   National Party Congress, issued together   mination to tackle global challenges and
               Ha told the Vietnam Circular Econ-  with the Socio-Economic Development   align its economic development with inter-
         D omy Forum 2023, with the theme   Strategy for the 2021-2030 period and   national standards.
         “Developing a National Action Plan to Imple-  vision to 2045, affirms encouragement for   According to Ms. Ramla Khalidi, UNDP
         ment a Circular Economy” and held by the   developing a circular economy model to   Resident Representative in Vietnam, the
         Ministry of Natural Resources and Envi-  utilize the synthesis and efficiency of pro-  country’s commitment to building a circular
         ronment (MoNRE), that a circular economy   duction processes. “Developing a circular   economy is not only a smart way to deal
         seemed a distant notion just five years ago   economy is a central solution to innovate   with environmental problems but is also
         but is now considered a solution and major   the economic model, enhance growth   a key means for the country to achieve its
         step forward in Vietnam’s sustainable devel-  quality, improve national competitiveness,   COP26 ambitions. This promise is in line
         opment journey. “We have no other path   ensure sustainable production and con-  with the three main ideas in the Law on
         than to move towards sustainable develop-  sumption, and contribute to the harmo-  Environmental Protection 2022, which are
         ment, in which the circular economy is a   nious relationship between the economy   important to the circular economy: using
         significant milestone,” the Deputy Prime   and the environment,” Deputy Minister   resources wisely, making products last
         Minister emphasized.               of Natural Resources and the Environment   longer, and causing as little damage to
                                            Vo Tuan Nhan told the Forum.       the environment as possible. “By promoting
         ECONOMIC AND                         To promote the development of a cir-  a circular economy, Vietnam is actively
         ENVIRONMENTAL HARMONY              cular economy, the Vietnamese Govern-  reducing and making the best use of the
           Initiatives such as a green economy, a   ment has developed a draft National Action   resources it has at its disposal,” Ms. Khalidi
         low-carbon economy, and a circular econ-  Plan for a Circular Economy to 2050, to   highlighted in her remarks to the Forum.
         omy are all part of global efforts to address   act as a pathway to implementing its   Moreover, recycling, reusing, and refur-
         challenges such as resource depletion,   Nationally Determined Contribution   bishing programs make sure that fewer
         environmental degradation, and the   towards the net-zero emissions target by   resources are needed, which lowers the
         increasing impact of climate change. In   2050. It represents the collective effort of   emissions that come from extracting and
         Vietnam, the resolution from the 13th   all sectors and reflects Vietnam’s deter-  handling natural resources. This directly

         20  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  DECEMBER 2023                                    
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