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                           Representatives from enterprises and consultants tell VET about the increasing
                                       relevance of ESG practices in business and society.

               n our relentless pursuit of positive                               Several noteworthy shifts within the
           I   change and alignment with global                                retail industry reflect the changing tide
               sustainability principles, AEON has                             of ESG. These shifts include evolving
         embarked on a transformative journey in                               consumer attitudes towards green prod-
         Vietnam. As the Chief Administrative Officer                          ucts, the influential role of Gen Z con-
         of AEON Vietnam, my role is pivotal in                                sumers in shaping market dynamics, and
         steering our organizational vision towards                            a progressive regulatory landscape that
         sustainable development, firmly grounded                              increasingly favors sustainability. AEON
         in environmental, social, governance (ESG)                            Vietnam’s best practices in promoting a
         principles. Within this transformative land-                          circular economy further exemplify our
         scape, AEON Vietnam is committed to inte-  Mr. Takeuchi Takashi       commitment to sustainability. Initiatives
         grating sustainable practices across every   Chief Administrative Officer, AEON Vietnam  such as reducing plastic usage through
         facet of our operations.                                              innovative programs, repurposing bicycles
           AEON Vietnam significantly emphasizes                               to extend their lifecycle, and recycling
         three fundamental pillars of sustainable   As Vietnam undergoes a dynamic shift   food waste  to minimize environmental
         development: Sustainability in People -   in its consumer landscape and regulatory   impact showcase our dedication to respon-
         Society, Planet - Environment, and Profit -   environment, AEON recognizes the grow-  sible business practices.
         Economics. These pillars are the corner-  ing importance of ESG principles. Posi-  AEON’s unwavering dedication to ESG
         stones of our commitment, to ensure a   tioned as a leader, we aim to inspire positive   standards and sustainable development
         holistic and balanced approach to sustain-  change within the retail industry, making   goals positions us as frontrunners in
         able business practices throughout our   sustainability an intrinsic aspect of our   responsible business practices. Our
         extensive operational chain. Having estab-  operations. AEON Vietnam’s comprehen-  approach transcends short-term gains,
         lished shopping malls in Ho Chi Minh City   sive green transformation strategy encap-  reflecting a deep commitment to long-
         and Hanoi, AEON aspires to not just be   sulates myriad initiatives. These include   term prosperity, societal well-being, and
         merely an economic contributor. Our vision   visualizing 3R information on private   environmental stewardship within the
         extends to becoming a company that creates   brand products, implementing PET plastic   Vietnamese context. As we navigate this
         a positive societal impact and champions   bottle collection and recycling projects,   transformative journey toward sustain-
         environmental stewardship. The dedication   addressing food waste at various stages of   ability, AEON Vietnam stands as an
         to embedding ESG qualities into our core   the supply chain, and developing a green   inspiring example for businesses aiming
         ethos reflects our forward-thinking approach   enterprise firmly rooted in the principles   to integrate responsible practices into their
         to responsible business practices.   of sustainable consumption.      core operations. %

               s a supporter of the Vietnamese   understanding the importance of ESG dis-
           A   Government’s policies, especially   closure. This is crucial, as investors, includ-
               those pertaining to transition and   ing entities like Dragon Capital and Euro-
         environmental, social, governance (ESG)   pean banks, increasingly seek ESG-com-
         practices, I find it crucial to shed light on   pliant investments, which impacts the
         existing regulations in the country. Circular   entire supply chain. Optimism lies in the
         No. 96/2020/TT-BTC from the Minister of   anticipation of new regulations that will
         Finance encourages ESG disclosure, but it   be implemented in the years to come,
         is important to note that this disclosure is   reflecting the Vietnamese Government’s
         voluntary for enterprises in Vietnam, par-  consideration of potential challenges for
         ticularly small and medium-sized enterprises   the private sector.      Dr. Nam Nguyen
                                                                                 CEO & Climate Advisor, Climate Innovation
         (SMEs). This voluntary nature poses chal-  The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) has   Consulting & Services JSC
         lenges, especially for SMEs seeking disclosure,   been actively involved since 2016, issuing
         as it is mainly sought by buyers in the supply   directives to guide financial institutions in
         chain rather than mandated by the govern-  enhancing environmental risk management   In terms of ESG disclosure by financial
         ment. This creates a significant gap in   in their lending activities. The focus is on   institutions, some have already taken the
         mandatory reporting, considering that a   increasing the proportion of green and   initiative to publish ESG reports. The central
         substantial proportion of products in Vietnam   sustainable credit. Over time, the respon-  bank’s assessment indicates that its policies
         come from SMEs. Efforts are being made   sibilities of financial institutions in the   have been effectively implemented by finan-
         to address this, with activities initiated by   credit granting process have expanded,   cial institutions, positively impacting on
         the Ministry of Investment and Planning.   with regulations mandating compliance   the greening of the banking system. This
           I am actively participating in initiatives   with legal provisions on environmental   aligns with the broader goal of developing
         aimed at addressing these challenges. Poli-  protection in lending. Circular No.   a green banking system in Vietnam. As we
         cies are being considered to provide support   17/2022/TT-NHNN from the SBV in 2022   navigate these developments, it is evident
         to SMEs in Vietnam, not necessarily in   further emphasizes environmental risk   that ESG considerations are increasingly
         direct financial aid but in the form of reg-  management for credit provided to projects   becoming integral to both corporate and
         ulations. The objective is to assist them in   with adverse environmental impacts.   financial practices in Vietnam.  %

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