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        According to an interview with Deputy Director of the National   country. Training at universities has been
        Innovation Center (NIC) Vo Xuan Hoai, published on the Lao   designed, focusing on ensuring quality, he
        Dong online newspaper ( on December 13, the NIC is   told the newspaper, stressing that Vietnam
        establishing a project on developing human resources for the   is facing a shortage of chief engineers for
        semiconductor industry as part of Vietnam’s efforts to have 50,000   the semiconductor sector. Mr. Hoai also revealed that the NIC is
        engineers trained for the industry. The NIC is working with global   linking with reputable universities around the world, including
        semiconductor chip giants to explore their needs, thus providing a   Arizona University and Purdue University in the US, to learn from
        forecast on human resources requirements in the future, especially   their experience and send Vietnamese students to their facilities
        for those who are operating in Vietnam or keen on investing in the   for training.

                                           AMPLE SPACE FOR COLD STORAGE MARKET              LOGISTICS INDUSTRY

                          According to analysts, the domestic cold   a compound annual growth rate of 6.3 per cent. The country’s e-
                          storage market - a niche segment in logistics   commerce market witnessed remarkable annual growth of 21.5
                          - has ample space to boom in the time to   per cent from 2017 to 2022, fueling the expansion of all kinds of
                          come as demand for fresh food and e-com-  complimentary services. Demand continues to outstrip supply,
         merce is increasing robustly. According to Savills Vietnam, the   however, with the rise of e-commerce platforms placing immense
         country’s cold storage landscape is localized and highly fragmented,   pressure on capacity. Overall market occupancy stood at around
         with over 40 projects providing a total of 460,000 sq m of cold   88 per cent as at the end of 2022, with major markets such as Ho
         chain warehouse space in 2022. Meanwhile, domestic fresh food   Chi Minh City, Binh Duong, Long An, and Bac Ninh provinces
         sales surged from $40.4 billion in 2020 to $45.7 billion in 2022, for   hovering at around 90 per cent.


        A report from the Vietnam National Authority of Tourism (VNAT)   target by 5.8 per cent. Total revenue from
        presented at a workshop in Hanoi on December 21 revealed that   tourism is estimated at VND672 trillion
        the total number of international tourists in 2023 is estimated at   ($28 billion), exceeding the annual plan
        12.5 million, meeting the targeted 12.5-13 million. After two years   by 3.38 per cent. VNAT was awarded the
        of being affected by Covid-19, Vietnam’s tourism sector has   title “Asia’s Leading Tourism Authority 2023” for the fourth time
        recovered and is seeing an upwards trend. The initial target of   at the 2023 World Travel Awards, and Vietnam was honored in 45
        international arrivals set for the year was 8 million, but then later   separate categories, including as Asia’s Leading Destination for
        revised to 12.5-13 million. Meanwhile, the number of domestic   the fifth time and Asia’s Leading Nature Destination for the
        tourists is forecast to reach 108 million, exceeding the annual   second year in a row.

                                              NEARLY 14,000 ATTACKS IN 2023                    CYBER SECURITY
                         According to a report from the National   computers and servers, up 8.4 per cent from 2022. The attacks
                         Cyber Security Center (NCSC) released on   mainly targeted governmental agencies, the banking system, financial
                         December 12, some 13,900 cyber attacks   institutions, industrial systems, and other important systems around
                         occurred in Vietnam in 2023, a year-on-  the country. In particular, the number of attacks increased towards
        year increase of 9.5 per cent. More than 550 websites of State   the end of the year, when agencies, organizations, and businesses
        agencies with the domain name “” and some educational   must complete a wide range of projects. The NCSC recommended
        organizations with the domain name “” were attacked and   that to prevent cyber attacks, agencies and organizations should
        infiltrated and had advertising for gambling and betting inserted   review their cyber security, evaluate the safety of their network
        by hackers. Meanwhile, ransomware attacks targeted over 83,000   devices, and deploy a 24/7 security monitoring system.

        The Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission scrutinized   Vuong, Chairman of the Members’ Council
        the outcomes of inspections of certain Party organizations and   at the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petro-
        officials at a meeting from December 18-20. According to its con-  Vietnam) and former Deputy Minister of
        clusion, violations committed by certain Party organizations and   Industry and Trade, among others. Also
        officials at the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) in advisory   responsible were Trinh Dinh Dung, former member of the Party
        work and the issuance of mechanisms for solar and wind power   Central Committee and former Deputy Prime Minister; and Mai
        development as well as for the trading and management of oil   Tien Dung, former member of the Party Central Committee and
        and petroleum supplies, among others, were identified. These   former Minister-Chairman of the Office of the Government,
        violations and errors were attributable to some Party organizations   among others. In another development relating to Deputy Minister
        and officials at the MoIT, including Tran Tuan Anh, Politburo   Do Thang Hai, according to an announcement on December 21
        Member, Head of the Party Central Committee’s Economic Com-  from Lieutenant General To An Xo, the spokesperson for the
        mission, and former Minister of Industry and Trade; Do Thang   Ministry of Public Security, Hai has been arrested on charges of
        Hai, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade; and Hoang Quoc   “receiving bribes” related to an oil trading company scandal.
                                                      JANUARY 2024  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  21
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