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                                                                                                     PHOTO: TRAN VIET DUNG
                                     Back to basics

                          Domestic consumption has become a crucial driver of growth as economic
                         challenges persist, and businesses must swiftly capture evolving consumer
                                               trends to remain competitive.

                                                      | By LINH TONG

              he General Statistics Office of Viet-  spending habits, opting to cut back on   consume more intelligently, find better
              nam (GSO) has reported that the   non-essential items as the cost of living   deals, discover higher-quality goods, and
         T country’s Consumer Price Index   rose 72 per cent in Southeast Asia and 69   facilitate more convenient payments.
         (CPI) rose 0.25 per cent in November com-  per cent globally. Such shifts present numer-  For these reasons, the “Cool Product
         pared to October, 3.46 per cent since   ous challenges, prompting businesses to   Awards 2023” and a ceremony celebrating
         December 2022, and 3.45 per cent compared   adapt strategies to boost consumer outreach,   the Top 50 cool products and services in
         to November 2022. The year-on-year   offer appropriate solutions, and ensure   2023, as voted on by consumers and organ-
         increase in the first eleven months was   overall consumer satisfaction.   ized by VnEconomy / Vietnam Economic
         3.22 per cent, with core inflation rising   The consumption landscape in 2023   Times (VET), presented an opportunity
         4.27 per cent.                     also indicates that Vietnamese consumers   to acknowledge businesses engaged in pro-
           Amid ongoing economic difficulties,   are gradually shopping more intelligently,   ducing essential and innovative products
         Vietnamese consumers have experienced   placing a clearer emphasis on product   and services. Emphasis was placed on
         substantial changes in their spending habits,   value. Instead of simply buying what they   those that enhance the daily lives of pur-
         from trimming unnecessary costs to curbing   desire, they now opt for what is truly essen-  chasers. The Awards also acknowledged
         purchases and exploring alternatives within   tial. And rather than focusing on appearance   products and services leading the way in
         a more constrained budget. According to   and brand, they select items based on qual-  adopting new technologies, embracing dig-
         data from the 2023 PwC Consumer Insights   ity, functionality, and high utility. During   itization and sustainability to enhance
         Survey in Vietnam, 62 per cent of local   times of tightened spending, consumers   operational efficiency, production, sales
         consumers have significantly altered their   also rely on digital technology as a tool to   management, and effective marketing.

         24  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  JANUARY 2024                                     
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