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                                                                                                        PHOTO: VIET TUAN
                                                                               promotions are crucial to winning and
                                                                               retaining market share. “This approach
                                                                               has led to a scenario where consumers
          Growing appetite
                                                                               have become accustomed to attractive offers,
          Online food delivery is becoming increasingly competitive            so that price / promotions remain as the
          in Vietnam as its potential heads ever-upwards.                      core factor in vendor selection,” said Mr.
                                                                               Kurokawa. “In Vietnam, a robust business
          | By LINH NGOC                                                       model is vital for profitability, but the preva-
                                                                               lence of price-oriented consumers makes
                                                                               devising such strategies challenging.”
               fter more than four years in Vietnam,   ground, with Grab and ShopeeFood ruling   Mr. Christou agreed that fierce compe-
               despite leaving a mark on many Viet-  the market through regular investments.   tition, characterized by extreme discounting,
         A namese hearts with its “aqua blue   Mr. Kengo Kurokawa, Founder and CEO of   has created a challenging environment. “It
         team” coloring the streets and with lovely   market researchers Asia Plus Inc., said that   has led some to perceive it as ‘unfertile’,
         advertising campaigns, South Korean online   despite being liked for its service, Baemin   but I believe it’s more accurate to say it’s a
         food delivery app Baemin officially bade   couldn’t attract enough customers away   market where brand loyalty is fluid and
         farewell to the country on December 8.    from the major players. “Making money in   price sensitivity reigns supreme,” he added.
           Its decision to leave Vietnam was down   food delivery is hard due to the slim margins
         to the difficult global economic situation   and large investment to retain customers,”   FACTORS IN SUCCESS
         and the fierce competition that has emerged   he added. “Seeing two big players continue   Grab has been deliverying food and gro-
         in the country, according to a company   to dominate, it made the tough decision to   ceries in Vietnam for five years and has
         statement. “While Baemin’s departure   not invest in Vietnam any further.”   invested strongly in better understanding
         evokes a sense of loss, it highlights a critical   The recent economic slowdown and   its customers. Through both periodical
         lesson: brand image alone is insufficient   rising prices also amplified Vietnamese   market analysis and constant feedback
         for success in fierce competition with a   consumers’ price sensitivity, as they have   from customers and partners, it knows
         zero-loyalty consumer base,” said Mr. Peter   become increasingly cautious about spend-  what they look for and who needs a specific
         Christou, General Manager of the World-  ing and actively seek deals and promotions.   product and when they need it, as well as
         panel Division at Kantar Vietnam.   In a market where loyalty hinges on who   what else it has to do to satisfy them.
                                            offers the best deals, failure to address a   Thanks to tech innovation, it offers solutions,
         HOT COMPETITION                    shift in behavior and be consistently price-  features, and products that capture con-
           It can’t be denied that Baemin’s friendly   competitive will inevitably lead to an inabil-  sumers’ daily needs and attract more orders.
         image and engaging marketing resonated   ity to attract and retain customers.   “2023 has been a rigorous testing period
         with Vietnamese consumers. It wasn’t   While Vietnam’s online food delivery   for food delivery,” a Grab representative
         enough, however, to overcome the deeply   market is considered to have substantial   said. “To remain robust amid a challenging
         entrenched ecosystems and superior oper-  potential, fierce competition and high expec-  economic climate, Grab has to identify
         ational efficiency of competitors like Grab   tations from consumers make many rec-  what our advantages are and how to lever-
         and ShopeeFood, according to Mr. Christou.   ognize it’s not exactly “fertile ground”.   age them as practically as possible.”
           Similarly, Q&Me research pointed out   According to Q&Me, Vietnamese consumers   ShopeeFood, meanwhile, has recorded
         that Baemin began delivering food in Viet-  prioritize price, and service providers   significant growth in online food delivery
         nam in 2019 but it was always a tough play-  acknowledge that competitive pricing and   over recent years thanks to the benefits of

         28  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  JANUARY 2024                                     
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