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         Key part to play                                                                               PHOTO: VIET TUAN

         Vietnam has found itself very well positioned to become
         a destination within global commodity supply chains.
         | By AN CHI

               uring discussions with Minister of   activities in household utensils, electronics,   and the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Com-
               Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong   and various types of toys.”    mittee, with a view to making Vietnam
         D Dien in San Francisco on November                                   part of their global supply chains.
         14, within the framework of the Asia-  ATTRACTING GIANTS                 Mr. Lionel Adenot, General Director of
         Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)   Elsewhere, at the Southeast Asia Forum   Decathlon Vietnam, said at the expo that
         2023 Summit Week, Ms. Andrea Albright,   held in Paris on December 4, Mr. Patrick   in the context of the world facing many
         Executive Vice President of Sourcing at   Lasfargues, Vice President of the Carrefour   difficulties and abnormalities, Vietnam is
         Walmart, said the US retail giant envisions   Group, said at discussions with Minister   becoming a new destination in global supply
         transforming Vietnam into a central hub   Dien that in addition to purchasing, Car-  chains. For Decathlon, the country’s textile
         for goods supply in Asia. “Vietnam is cur-  refour is cooperating with a number of   and garment industry can become a major
         rently in the group of five countries that   manufacturers in Vietnam to export to its   part of the international sports goods supply
         export the most goods to Walmart’s global   network in Europe and expects to promote   chain. “Decathlon is looking for suppliers
         system, extending its influence not only in   this export model in the future.   that are autonomous and capable of increas-
         the US but also in other markets such as   Major corporations such as Aeon and   ing productivity,” he added.
         China, Canada, and Mexico,” she went on.   Uniqlo from Japan, Walmart, Amazon,   Boeing, meanwhile, has had a represen-
         “Walmart annually procures billions of   Boeing, and AES from the US, Carrefour   tative office in Hanoi since July 2021, focusing
         dollars in goods from Vietnam, but is still   and Decathlon from France, and others   on developing supply chains in Vietnam.
         focusing largely on items such as garments   attended the Vietnam International Sourc-  Notably, at the corporation’s headquarters
         and textiles, leather and footwear, and   ing Expo held in Ho Chi Minh City by the   are specialized departments and positions
         food. It will focus on expanding purchasing   Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT)   to support partners in Vietnam. Boeing’s

         26  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  JANUARY 2024                                     
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