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         Price to pay                                                          I use packaging crafted from recycled
                                                                                   n developing eco-friendly logistics, enter-
                                                                                   prises in the sector have been urged to

                                                                               materials or others that readily decompose
                                                                               in natural settings. This and other moves
         Many packaging companies are willing to                               aim to cultivate an environmentally-conscious
         play their part in recycling efforts but cost                         business environment and foster sustainable
                                                                               manufacturing practices.
         and practicality are pressing concerns.
                                                                                  Vietnam has set forth an ambitious
         By PHUONG THAO                                                        objective of embracing 100 per cent envi-
                                                                               ronmentally-friendly packaging by 2025,
                                                                               a goal that holds promise through coop-
                                                                               erative efforts between government bod-
                                                                               ies, businesses, and communities.
                                                                                  However, businesses face the ever-
                                                                               present challenge of balancing cost and
                                                                               output in increasing the presence of prod-
                                                                               ucts with recycled packaging on shelves.
                                                                               Green products often face pricing barriers,
                                                                               and are typically 10-30 per cent more
                                                                               expensive than conventional counterparts.

                                                                                  Mr. Ly Hoang Hai, General Director
                                                                               of the Eurofins Sac Ky Hai Dang Co.,
                                                                               Ltd., a member of the Eurofins Scientific
                                                                               Group, believes that products consumed
                                                                               in domestic and export markets face
                                                                               scrutiny not only in regard to quality but
                                                                               also in aesthetics, safe packaging, and
                                                                               adherence to Vietnamese and global stan-

         30    Vietnam Economic Times    May 27, 2024                                      
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