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         Watching & waiting

         There is little that Vietnamese exporters can do but be patient and hope
         that the various issues in export markets eventually change for the better.
         By LUU HA

              rders in the wood and textile sectors   Orders at the Gia Dinh Group Corporation   supply chain traceability, and carbon emis-
              both headed upwards in the opening   surged over 30 per cent, ensuring employ-  sions reductions are now being enforced.
         O quarter of 2024. Several enterprises   ment for its workers until September or   This poses a significant challenge for many
         have managed to secure orders to the end   October. Elsewhere, the TKG Taekwang   manufacturers around the world, including
         of the second quarter, with some even   Vina JSC at the Bien Hoa 2 Industrial   those in Vietnam. “If we hope to take
         having orders extending into the third   Park in the southern province of Binh   part in supply chains, compliance with
         quarter. However, Vietnamese exporters   Duong is looking to recruit 1,000 more   such measure is the only way forward,”
         in general remain uneasy as they wait for   workers after securing a raft of new orders.   she emphasized.
         prices to recover amid global uncertainties                              Meanwhile, Mr. Nguyen Hoai Bao,
         and lower consumer spending in certain   Business                     Deputy Chairman of the Handicraft and
         major markets. They are also grappling   concerns                     Wood Industry Association of Ho Chi
         with numerous challenges in implementing   According to Ms. Phan Thi Thanh   Minh City (HAWA), said that while orders
         new mechanisms such as Extended Pro-  Xuan, General Secretary of the Vietnam   in the timber industry showed more prom-
         ducer Responsibility (EPR) and the Carbon   Leather, Footwear and Handbag Associ-  ise in early 2024 than in 2023, they are
                                            ation (LEFASO), Vietnam’s footwear indus-  still behind levels seen in 2021 and 2022.
         Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).
            The leather and footwear industry   try has been confronting a host of chal-  As with footwear, major markets such as
         maintained its position as a leader in export   lenges. In the EU, for example, a series of   the US and the EU have now exhausted
         turnover in April, posting $1.956 billion.   regulations regarding eco-products, EPR,   their inventories and are placing orders

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