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                                                                                                        PHOTO: VIET DUNG
                                  Environmental &

                                 economic rewards

                          VET asked senior government leaders and development partners to share
                             their thoughts on Vietnam’s transition towards a circular economy.
                                                                               Plan for a Circular Economy. This includes
                                                                               the establishment and operation of an infor-
                                                                               mation connection platform, data sharing
                                                                               on the application of the circular economy
                                                                               model, the issuance of guidelines for the
                                                                               implementation and evaluation of the cir-
                                                                               cular economy, and the creation of incentives
                                                                               and financial mechanisms for the develop-
                                                                               ment of the circular economy in a competitive
                                                                               market. It also encourages the participation
                                                                               of the business community in the process
                                                                               of restructuring management, innovation,
                                                                               technology adoption, and advanced pro-
                                                                               duction methods to contribute to Vietnam’s
          Mr. Dang Quoc Khanh                                                  transition to a circular economy.
          Minister of Natural Resources and Environment                           In order to prepare for the immediate
                                                                               implementation of the National Action
              he commitment to building a green,   Circular Economy”. The Forum was held   Plan for a Circular Economy, upon its
              circular, and environmentally-  on the eve of COP28, and conveyed Viet-  issuance by the Prime Minister, and to
         T friendly economy is clearly reflected   nam’s profound message to the international   motivate economic and social development
         in the government’s orientations, guidelines,   community about the challenges, risks, and   and environmental protection, MoNRE
         policies, and laws. The resolution from the   negative impacts of climate change, as well   suggests that central ministries and local
         13th National Party Congress affirms the   as the country’s proactive and positive   authorities integrate the circular economy
         direction to “Build a green, circular, and   efforts in coping with climate change.   into the process of formulating development
         environmentally-friendly economy” and   The active participation of business enti-  strategies, programs, plans, and projects.
         outlines the need to “Develop a roadmap,   ties, including pioneering companies in   They should also coordinate with MoNRE
         mechanisms, policies, and laws to form   greenhouse gas emission reduction activities   to develop and issue a circular economy
         and operate a circular economy model”.   (those implementing carbon neutrality   implementation plan that aligns with the
           In order to implement these major direc-  plans, energy conversion, etc.), was also   national plan and the characteristics of
         tions from the government to promote a   emphasized. The Forum aimed to promote   each industry, sector, and locality.
         circular economy in Vietnam, the Ministry   cooperation with bilateral and multilateral   In addition, the business community and
         of Natural Resources and Environment   partners, international organizations, and   production, business, and service establish-
         (MoNRE), in cooperation with the United   international financial institutions to mobi-  ments are responsible for establishing man-
         Nations Development Program (UNDP)   lize support for Vietnam in implementing   agement systems and applying measures to
         and domestic and international partners,   the circular economy model.   conserve and efficiently use resources, reduce
         organized the “Vietnam Circular Economy   Contributions made at the Forum will   emissions, and enhance recycling from the
         Forum 2023”, with the theme “Developing   serve as a crucial foundation for MoNRE   project design phase to the production and
         a National Action Plan to Implement a   to continue refining the National Action   distribution of products and goods. %

         22  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  DECEMBER 2023                                    
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