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                                                             Ms. Michele Wee, CEO of Standard Chartered Bank
                                                             Vietnam, tells VET about how the bank promotes
                                                             sustainable development and the application of ESG
                                                             at businesses in Vietnam.

         % Standard Chartered Bank Vietnam   year. Per the bank’s Sustainable Finance   bolstering onshore business operations
         has committed to reaching net-zero car-  Impact Report last year, Vietnam has   through FDI. What are your specific
         bon emissions from its operations by   recorded over $50 million in renewable   plans and strategy in this regard?
         2030 and then from its financing by   energy exposures and another $50 million   We have built a strong business in
         2050. What measures are being imple-  in business banking loans supporting   Vietnam and aspire to take it to even
         mented to achieve this commitment?   access to finance.               greater heights. Standard Chartered Viet-
           We are proud to drive the sustain-  We have a strong team locally to offer   nam is fully committed to supporting the
         ability agenda and lead the way in sus-  transition and adaptation financing as well   country’s economic development and pros-
         tainable development for our clients,   as to introduce our product suite to clients   perity in the years to come.
         authorities, and the broader economy.   in Vietnam. We stand ready to have these   We have been investing significantly
         Standard Chartered is a fervent supporter   conversations and work with our clients   in Vietnam over the last few years and
         of the Vietnamese Government’s ambi-  to fulfil their own net-zero ambitions.    growing our business around the country.
         tions, and looks to build upon successes   At COP28 this year, we are a proud   In late 2021, Standard Chartered injected
         from COP26. Specifically, with regard to   partner of the Vietnamese Government.   an additional $120 million of Tier 1 capital
         endeavors for a sustainable green future,   Standard Chartered Bank will co-host an   into its Vietnam franchise. In 2022, we
         Standard Chartered signed three MoUs   exclusive session for our clients and par-  opened our new head office in Hanoi,
         with three Vietnamese businesses on sus-  ticipate in relevant sessions that see the   strengthening our strong, long-term com-
         tainable financing of up to $8.5 billion,   investor community engage with senior   mitment to and investment in Vietnam.
         to support their sustainability goals.   leaders from the Vietnamese delegation.   The investment in more resources and
         Together with all-encompassing stake-  There is significant interest in the Just   infrastructure in the local franchise aims
         holder groups, from the government to   Energy Transition Resource Mobilization   to better serve its clients and deliver solu-
         the private sector, the bank has been exe-  Plan, and this will be a much anticipated   tions that enable customer choice and
         cuting different verticals of work under   event in Dubai.            access to the best and most innovative
         the Just Energy Transition Partnership                                solutions to both the private and public
         (JETP) to deliver on collective ambitions   % Standard Chartered Bank Vietnam   sectors. As one of the first foreign banks to
         to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.    announced in September a significant   establish a presence in Vietnam, in 1904,
           With increasing focus on helping clients   milestone in its commitment to the   Standard Chartered will celebrate 120 years
         to decarbonize and transition, Standard   country, marked by a substantial $60   of operations here next year, affirming our
         Chartered expanded its sustainable finance   million capital injection that under-  long-term investment in and commitment
         asset book to over $13 billion in 2022,   scores its unwavering dedication to   to the country. This is a significant milestone
         representing 30 per cent growth year-on-  Vietnam and its long-term strategy of   that we are proud of.

         24  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  DECEMBER 2023                                    
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