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        % The iconic Standard Chartered
        Marathon will arrive in Vietnam for
        the first time shortly, with the bank
        announcing its sponsorship of the Hanoi
        Marathon Heritage Race, starting from
        2024. Can you tell us why Standard
        Chartered decided to sponsor the race?
          We are very proud to be the title sponsor
        of the first edition of the iconic Standard  PHOTOS: STANDARD CHARTERED BANK VIETNAM
        Chartered Hanoi Marathon Heritage Race,
        an event that celebrates the richness of
        culture and heritage that resonates with
        Standard Chartered as one of the oldest
        international banks in Vietnam. Lever-
        aging the expertise from our Standard
        Chartered Marathon franchise, we aim
        to bring the best of traditions and modern   is part of our strong commitment to meeting   Our commitment to excellence is exem-
        race technology to elevate the experience   clients’ rising sustainability aspirations   plified through securing a series of pres-
        for all. The Standard Chartered Hanoi   with innovative sustainable finance solu-  tigious awards. We have been named “Best
        Marathon Heritage Race will be a race   tions. We are dedicated to contributing to   Foreign Bank in Vietnam” for three con-
        for everyone, bringing people from all   the sustainable development of Vietnam   secutive years and “Best Digital Bank in
        walks of life together to stay active and   and continue working closely with our   Vietnam” for the second year by Global
        lead a healthy lifestyle while binding our   clients and stakeholders to provide finance   Business Review. Being named “Best Retail
        community through the shared values of   to where it matters most.    Bank” by Retail Banker International and
        resilience and determination.         Additionally, activities are supported   “Best Foreign SME Bank in Vietnam” by
          Vietnam is a key market in our global   where the use of proceeds is aimed at   Global Business Outlook in 2023 continued
        footprint. We continue to invest more in   enabling access to finance, for example   to strengthen our capabilities in serving
        the country to better serve our clients, col-  micro-financing for vulnerable populations   the evolving needs of clients with cut-
        leagues, and the community. Being a title   or large projects such as constructing   ting-edge technology, digitalization, and
        sponsor of a prestigious marque event here   and/or operating hospitals, clinics, and   innovation in the provision of banking
        reinforces our commitment. We are here   healthcare centers and educational insti-  services. Our Corporate, Commercial and
        for the long run. We are here for good.   tutions. The framework excludes busi-  Institutional Banking (CCIB) business
                                           nesses involved in activities that negatively   continues to support local companies to
        % What are the bank’s plans to promote   impact human rights, such as forced labor,   drive commerce and prosperity and expand
        sustainable development and the appli-  child labor, or conflict minerals.   internationally. The recognition from The
        cation of ESG in businesses?          For clients who fall short of the expected   Asset for excellence in Fund administration
          Accessing finance from international   standards or demonstrate limited under-  and Custody services, and Consistent
        credit institutions for green finance must   standing of environmental and social risks,   Excellence in 2023 in the Global Custodian
        follow strict and comprehensive evaluations   we provide support through a team of   Agent Bank Survey for Vietnam reflects
        and approval criteria. This is primarily   E&S specialists. If the client is willing to   the bank’s dedication to delivering the
        Environmental and Social Risk Assessment   commit to change, we can help define   best banking solutions and services to
        (ESRA) due diligence and alignment with   improvement targets and ultimately access   clients and our commitment to excellence
        the Green and Sustainable Finance Product   to green finance.         in the industry.
        Framework. At Standard Chartered, we                                     Additionally, we strive to build a diverse
        work with clients to be able to structure   % How do you view Standard Chartered   and inclusive working environment where
        the business or future products to be “green-  Bank Vietnam’s business operations so   everyone feels proud of working for Stan-
        able” in referencing these frameworks. This   far in 2023?            dard Chartered and comfortable in bring-
                                                                              ing their true selves to work, excelling to
                                                                              their full potential and ultimately providing
                                                                              the best products and services to our
                                                                              clients. Standard Chartered Vietnam has
                                                                              been certified as a Great Place to Work
                                                                              by Great Place to Work® - the global
                                                                              authority on workplace culture - and has
                                                                              achieved prestigious certification in equity,
                                                                              diversity, and gender equality (EDGE)
                                                                              with the highest LEAD level across all
                                                                              industries, reinforcing our dedication to
                                                                              driving gender equality and equal oppor-
                                                                              tunity and fostering an inclusive workplace
                                                                              culture in Vietnam.
                                                                                 Overall, I would say that while we have
                                                                              posted good results, we will continue to
                                                                              strive to be better, as this is important for
                                                                              our clients, partners, alliances, and the
                                                                              community we serve. %
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