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                      Talent the top priority

                          Representatives from VIVACE Consulting & Accelerator tell VET about the
                             potential for the development of Vietnam’s semiconductor industry.

         %  Vietnam is becoming more developed   Korea have talent studying abroad in coun-
         in the semiconductor market. What are   tries such as the US or other Western coun-
         your thoughts on this development?     tries or developing countries. Therefore, I
           Mr. Kim Seok Pil:  I see that Vietnamese   think that Vietnam should attract Vietnamese
         companies are gradually developing in the   talent to work and contribute to the country,
         semiconductor field and there are many   and convince them that now is the time to
         reasons why the country will develop fur-  come back and contribute to the country.
         ther. The process for the country to develop   Samsung always tries to make them feel as
         further is not easy, however, and may   comfortable as possible and even encourages
         cause some concern, but what many com-  them to work for it in South Korea. We try
         panies in Vietnam and the government   to embrace them in our business, to make
         are doing in the industry has been very   our vision come true. In other words, retain-
                                                                                 Mr. Kim Seok Pil
         smart so far.                      ing core talent is the number one issue.   CEO of VIVACE Consulting & Accelerator and ex
           Within the semiconductor industry are   Establishing a flexible single-connec-     Chief Marketing Officer at Samsung Electronics and
         three areas Vietnamese businesses could   tion, multiple-measurement (SCCM) net-     Project Manager in Samsung’s Global Strategy Group
         follow: integrated device manufacturing   work / platform in the semiconductor
         (IDM), fabless semiconductors, and pure-  business as well as building a strong part-  ligent approach to start with a fabless
         play foundries. These fields are not easy,   nership with global players are key factors   business. This is because even if the Viet-
         and also require huge investment and infra-  for Vietnam’s companies in the semicon-  namese Government tries to support pri-
         structure. In particular, chip design compa-  ductor industry, depending on what areas   vate industry involvement in semiconduc-
         nies in Vietnam need to have a very strong   they are moving toward. Fabless companies   tors, there is still a lot of infrastructure
         relationship with global players, like car   and foundry companies are different.   and capital needed, which will take a long
         manufacturers and telecom manufacturers,   Foundry companies actually require a lot   time to be established in Vietnam. So,
         because they will eventually be key customers   of different things; more so than a fabless   starting in fabless is a smart way to begin,
         for Vietnam’s semiconductor companies.    company. So, whatever Vietnamese com-  and then gradually expand expertise and
                                            panies are doing, I believe human resources   build capabilities by cooperating with
         % Major Vietnamese corporations such   and good talent are the top priority.    global players.
         as VNPT, Viettel, and FPT are involved                                   The government may think more about
         in chip research and production. What   % What should the Vietnamese Gov-  what to facilitate the progress and devel-
         do you think about this, and what more   ernment do to attract major companies   opment of the fabless business, the chip
         should Vietnamese companies do to   in the semiconductor industry?     design business, and the software capabil-
         develop the semiconductor industry?     Mr. Sang Cheol Jeong: If we look at   ities of Vietnam’s semiconductor industry.
           Mr. Kim Seok Pil: Looking back on   the semiconductor industry, overall, there   And from that standpoint, FPT has very
         Samsung’s history in South Korea, there   are Samsung and Intel, which are inte-  well-developed software skills because it
         were several important tasks in developing   grated device manufacturers. This covers   is an IT service company. And Viettel - the
         the semiconductor industry. But the most   every product line from the foundry and   country’s leading telecom company - also
         important thing for this industry is human   system LSI. But, you know, there are small   has good telecommunications and IoT
         resources. Based on our experience, in   niche players in some sectors. For example,   capabilities. So, those two major private
         order to develop in the semiconductor   fabless is only for designing the chips and   and government companies already have
         industry, Vietnamese companies need tal-  others are like a foundry company. For   good backgrounds to begin in the chip
         ented people because this is the top priority.   example, the Taiwan Semiconductor Man-  design software-related and fabless busi-
           In the case of Samsung, it always hires   ufacturing Company (TSMC). So there   nesses. So start with them, try to encourage
         quality talent. Both Vietnam and South   are very specialized players in these fabless   them to develop more top talent and more
                                            and foundry areas. But Samsung aims to   capabilities, and cooperate with other global
                                            become a global house providing wide   players from Taiwan (China) and the US
                                            range of product, chip and CPU. However,   as well as some South Korean players.
                                            the problem for Vietnamese players in   Mr. Kim Seok Pil: In terms of the gov-
                                            growing in the semiconductor industry is   ernment’s role, Vietnam should try to get
                                            that it takes a lot of capital to set up. So, I   some support from the political area as
                                            don’t think it’s feasible short-term for   this is very important. For example, the
                                            Vietnamese players to get into huge semi-  country should establish a good relation-
                                            conductor manufacturing.           ship with and then gain support from US
                                              For example, FPT Semiconductor has   companies and then introduce a law to
                                            decided to specialize in chip design, which   facilitate funding, as huge investment is
                                            is a fabless area and requires less capital.   required in these areas. We can see that
                                            If you have well-educated talent and human   to facilitate the development of a semi-
         Mr. Sang Cheol Jeong
         President of VIVACE Consulting & Accelerator  resources, specializing in chip design and   conductor industry, the funding and the
                                            software development, I think it’s an intel-  volume of the funding is important. %

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