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         Friendly advice                                                       enhance sustainability in agriculture and
                                                                               food production. “Denmark’s path in sus-
                                                                               tainable food production has led to the
                                                                               development of strong, innovative methods
         Vietnam is actively fostering cooperation for a green economy and to   and approaches throughout the value chain,”
                                                                               said Ms. Mie Ole Lauritzen, Director of
         advance towards a sustainable future in partnership with countries    Food Nation Denmark. “We look forward
         such as Denmark and the Netherlands.                                  to inspiring further cooperation with key
                                                                               partners towards green transition.”
         | By BAO TRAM                                                            The two countries have shifted away
                                                                               from a donor-recipient relationship since
                                                                               2015 and towards a partnership on equal
                                                                               footing, with extensive cooperation across
                                                                               all sectors, including political dialogue,
                                                                               green growth, energy, agriculture, food,
                                                                               healthcare, and culture, with a primary
                                                                               focus on capacity-building in these areas.
                 ithin the framework of celebra-  Chinh noted that the new partnership will   “Vietnam has experienced significant and
                 tions for the 52nd anniversary of   contribute to further consolidating and deep-  impressive sociometric growth over the
         W the establishment of diplomatic   ening the comprehensive partnership   years, which also meant that, eventually,
         relations between Vietnam and Denmark,   between the two countries and in creating a   it no longer had to depend on ODA from
         Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and   greener, cleaner, and more sustainable world.   countries like Denmark,” Danish Ambas-
         Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen                               sador to Vietnam, H.E. Nicolai Prytz,
         adopted the Joint Statement on a Green   FURTHER GREEN COOPERATION    said. “That didn’t mean that our relation-
         Strategic Partnership (GSP) in early Novem-  Following the establishment of a GSP   ship or cooperation came to an end. We
         ber. The two sides agreed to coordinate   between the two countries, a delegation   have entered into a comprehensive part-
         closely in promptly formulating a plan to   specializing in sustainable agriculture and   nership agreement, based on sector-to-
         implement the partnership, strengthen coop-  food from Denmark visited Vietnam in   sector cooperation. Furthermore, the estab-
         eration in policy-making, share experience,   late November. The purpose of the visit   lishment of a GSP has opened up a new
         and facilitate investments in each other’s   was to cooperate with local partners and   chapter in the 50-year relationship and
         country in green fields. Prime Minister   businesses to seek innovative solutions to   will contribute to helping Vietnam meet

         26  |  VIETNAM ECONOMIC TIMES  |  DECEMBER 2023                                    
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